hiya! my name is puff and i collect labels. this site is a database/collection of these labels :D
click on any image or graphic to go to the source! this site may contain eyestrain!!
#ff69b4 #ff0000 #ff8e00 #ffff00 #008e00 #00c0c0 #400098 #8e008e | #cf3480 #d92f38 #f76d2e #e9d968 #439d81 #0fa9c3 #0069a3 #3e254d | #ffffff #add8aa #63b5c3 #4559d4 #886cdd #e88be6 #ffc1d0 #e5536b #f0986d #76896a #c7bb6c
An equivalent and/or alternative term for the word "queer," which is equally inclusive and encompassing. Comes from the phrase "non-normative."
#beaa65 #e5ddc6 #b2b2b2 #7f7d92 #443850 #ac6a6c #5e2e46 #260412
A term describing women attracted to women. This attraction is usually exclusive and lacking attraction to other genders, but also commonly includes non-binary individuals.
#d52d00 #ef7627 #ff9a56 #ffffff #d162a4 #b55690 #a30262 | #d72c00 #ff9856 #fefefe #d162a6 #a40061 | #2d226e #a558dc #ffabdc #fffde8 #6ed6d9 | #2730a5 #4e84ff #92cffe #fff3ff #d692ff #a14ed2 #5220a3 | #3b59d1 #92cffe #fff3ff #d692ff #7a39bb | #bd22aa #fc629e #fef7c3 #fe9c6b #fa4163 | #a40061 #d063a6 #fffeff #c54e54 #8a1e04 | #3781b0 #82b3e0 #dfd0f4 #c38de3 #7a49b3 | #e9384a #f28d39 #ffe731 #ffffff #ddbfdb #ab74b1 #79459a | #7249c9 #c05ed9 #f78dcb #ffffff #f9938e #fab68f #fee299 | #9b54ce #ffabdc #fffde8 #6ed6d9 #6454ce #6432b7 #4838b5 #4f2497 #3929a3 #9c55cf #6353cd | #e71e6c #fc6898 #fc97fd #ffe945 #ffc003 #f48f09 | #e96455 #fabd7a #fef6d1 #f1838c #aa3673
Lilaen / Lilae Lesbian / Lilaemoric
A lesbian who is exclusively attracted to women, alongside all other genders that are not primarily male; a lesbian with attraction towards most genders, except for a distinct lack of attraction towards men/manhood. However, a lilaen person may experience attraction towards those who partly or additionally connect with manhood, if they are also another gender(s), such as those who are multigender, genderfluid, and so on.
#431c5d #aa5fb2 #e6baf7 #feedff #d961a8 | #45215e #a85fb1 #e5b9f8 #feedff #d661a5 #a53d78
An equivalent to the word "gai," for those who are lesbians, but in a nonbinary (+ genderqueer, binaryweird, etc...) way.
#5245b7 #7265d9 #bb8dfa #f1a478 #e16e5c #c93e55 #9b2057 | #5a4bc2 #7b69df #bd8bfa #f3a776 #e3735d #d0455a #aa2660
An alternate term for an mspec lesbian.
#2f0d61 #7041b1 #879fdf #7edfd6 #d2f3e2 #4b208c #5272af #522793
Aro Lesbian
#9d186b #cc497f #f58989 #f7f1b3 #c4e66b #598f44 #242923 | #2e831e #6da252 #a4c775 #fbffe4 #a3a3a3 #656565 #222222 | #a45d1f #e0b068 #ffffff #c27ea7 #61023a | #13643b #3a836f #8bc9c6 #f3f3ff #c49dd2 #664481 #291047 | #13643b #3a836f #f3f3ff #664481 #291047 | #3a836f #8bc9c6 #f3f3ff #c49dd2 #664481 | #801117 #be506b #d69fbf #010101 #a8c38c #3da542 #18581c | #705252 #bc9c91 #f1d4e6 #b77b7d #451002 | #699317 #88b534 #abd164 #000000 #c28280 #5e2826 #510300 | #bce6a6 #f190a1 #fff6f7 #ffb494 #35734c | #05702c #5cad44 #b1e2aa #f8fef0 #a97db2 #623c6f #391d50
Nonbinary Lesbian
#e38466 #f7bf86 #fae0bd #ffffff #c989a4 #79316a #120f1a | #916ac3 #c99bd9 #f4f5b1 #fafce4 #eec8df #e182bc | #e78000 #ffc21f #fff035 #ffffff #ba87fe #623999 #421e75
Genderqueer Lesbian
#715494 #e5a7cc #fefef2 #b7d1a2 #59a895 | #783ac3 #9868d5 #c5a8ea #f9f3ff #8caa60 #287b09 #005e00
Demigirl Lesbian
#ff6664 #ffa84f #ffc6ef #fefefe #f585d9 #a063ca | #552c4e #935e96 #c498d7 #fef2fe #d699ab #ae516e #8a2243 | #aa4e35 #ffb586 #fd8e7d #ffffff #cb6896 #cb95b5 #903169 | #94404f #c08b87 #ff9ba7 #ffffff
For those who relate to the broad definition of Lesboy, but really don't like the "boy" part in the name.
#a032ad #ff538f #ffca84 #ffffd1 #80aaff #6651ee | #bf4909 #e68330 #faf7d8 #d0eff2 #447c9f
She/Her Lesbian / Shesbian
Any lesbian who uses she/her/her/hers/herself pronoun set.
#f6365b #ff758f #ffffff #ff9a56 #a30262
Cenelian is a term for nonbinary people attracted to nonbinary people. It is a NLN equivalent to lesbian and veldian, whereas terms like enbian more closely align with sapphic and achillean. As such, while cenelian and enbian may be similar, they are different terms. Cenelian comes from the word centrifugal, which means to move away from the center of something (in this case, the binary).
Anybody who is not entirely on the binary is able to be included within cenelian attraction.
#ffe8b6 #93554a #52203b #7e4a94 #99afd6
Having a passionate and/or affectionate reaction towards the same/similar gender(s) as oneself rather than an attraction towards them.
#f73d66 #e0b453 #9cf3ac #74bdf0 #953cba
Having a passionate and/or affectionate reaction towards multiple genders rather than an attraction towards them.
#5cf078 #198ace #8a35ae #e92a87 #e0b453
The sexual attraction to various, but not necessarily all, genders. A plysexual person may experience sexual attraction to any number of genders, varying between (at least) two and many.
#f61cb9 #07d569 #1c92f6
Having a passionate and/or affectionate reaction towards multiple genders, but not all, rather than an attraction towards them.
#aaec94 #e0b453 #f61cb9 #953cba #1c92f6
A non-gendered term for anyone who feels queer attraction to women [a femique person] / A non-gendered term for queer attraction to women [femique attraction].
#f7e696 #ffffff #e38792 #f1c0c6
Having a passionate and/or affectionate reaction towards women, regardless of your own gender.
#e087d7 #a542af #50af8d #c6c477 | #e087d7 #8b3e9c #5dac7d
A catch-all term for all orientations, attractions, partnerships or similar involving non-binarity; all those that cannot be categorised according to a same-gender vs. opposite gender dichotomy. It encompasses non-binary loving women, non-binary loving men, non-binary loving non-binary, men loving non-binary, women-loving non-binary and more specific identities too, such as androgyne loving men, women loving xenogender or maverique loving agender.
In short, it's an umbrella term for all orientations, attractions, partnerships and similar that aren't (exclusively) binary loving binary and thus don't fit neatly into the (binary) definitions of straight/hetero and gay/homo (of course non-binary people can still be gay or straight, but it's mestric and thus different from binary experiences of straightness and gayness).
Mestric unites everyone who has their orientation/attraction/partnership erased and invalidated based on the idea that non-binary people don't exist or can be grouped in with binary genders. Mestric is defiance against having to misgender our partners (and for non-binary people, ourselves), a demand to be taken seriously and have community. Mestric is elevating our experiences to the same level as binary loving binary orientations. Mestric is equality. Mestric is affirming our partners' (and our own) genders while visibilising love, attraction, affection to and partnerships involving non-binary people and the specific experiences that come with that.
#fbdf7c #fffeec #ffdc5f #fdc852 #985a51 #643c3d #96bc4c #afd655
Exclusive attraction to those who are fin (fem in nature), and nin (neu in nature), in their gender and/or gender presentation. It's a combo of finsexual and ninsexual.
#f9986b #fbccb0 #fdecbe
Aloeian Queer
#9f557a #9d1f20 #9f6621 #ffc681 #ffff80 #7fc77e #7fdfde #00605f #20004c #470048 #9e9d1f #fefd7f #7e7f00 #c49af8 #9f9f9f #ffffff #7f7f7f #986b7f #f8cbdf #794c60 #5c7f93 #bcdff3 #3d6074 #4f3c2b #af9c8b #2f1c0b #1f1f1f #7f7f7f #000000
AA / Double A
A term used by people who are on the a-spec in 2 areas.
#ffffff #38a12a #8429a0 #929292
A term for someone who does not experience emotional attraction. This person may also be aromantic, nonalterous, and/or a(queer)platonic, or they could experience those types of attraction without an emotional component.
#f475ce #f24bce #d147a6 #700092 #003b5d #000000
A broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/aego-/lith-/cupio-/etc) emotional attraction.
#81013e #a54e78 #424147 #7082a6 #4a4d9c
Demifluid Aro
#578c6e #8dc2a4 #b2d9ac #c0a395 #c0d26e #70c4ac #ffb8d8 #fae9b1 #addcf0 #ffffff #e49fbe #e3d098 #94c3d7 #d5d5d5 #6f6f6f #3a3a3a
Non-limerent is one of the precursors to Aromantic.
Limerence is what is sometimes referred to as "being in love" with someone, as opposed to "loving" someone, it is also sometimes called infatuation.
The term was published in Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love (1979) by Dorothy Tennov. Tennov coined the term Limerence in 1977, it is now an outdated term for feeling romantic attraction. It is unclear whether non-limerent was ever adopted as an identifier or if it remained solely as a descriptor.
Excerpts from the book:
'"The feelings you as nonlimerent may have about another person may include sexual attraction, friendship, and affection"'
'"Nonlimerent" refers to a person who is not limerent at the time. Both the limerent and the non-limerent states tend me be sustained. The most frequently encountered patterns were limerents who had always been in love with someone or wanting love, since early age, and nonlimerents who simply could not remember being any other way.'
'"Do you know, I think that both Tim and I were non-limerents and that that's why we got along as well as we did. If we had been able to talk about it in these terms instead of beating around the bush like that, it would have been better, but probably both of us were afraid to come out and say we did not 'love'"'
#ef5107 #ffbb56 #f7ffd8 #454545 #181818
Asensual Aromantic
Aromantic or aro: feeling little to no romantic attraction.
Asensual: experiencing little to no sensual attraction.
#000000 #82c440 #ffffff #ff8532 #6e6e6e
Challenging notions of what it means to be in a relationship, defining love, and how important each form of it is to society. Amatopunk as an idea challenges amatonormantivity, and how society views aspec people, polyamorous people, and others who do not fit into the "right" mold. Anyone can identify with amatopunk and be a part of it if it fits them.
While it was made with aspecs and polyamorous people primarily in mind, this is because those are groups I am in. So long as you identify with the ideas of amatopunk, you are welcome to use it however you want. Disabled people, trans people, GNC people, POC, and so many more can be under this label; anyone who wants to be amatopunk is.
Amatopunk will mean different things for different people, and that's okay. It’s a broad, inclusive label for different types of people, and how amatonormantivity affects them and/or their community.
Amatopunk is focused on both relationships and love itself. Some people have gone around saying it's strictly, or more specifically, about relationships, and this is not true. Amatopunk is about both love and relationships!
#541765 #b74d71 #db966d #ffe7a7 #4e8b69
Love-Integral Aro
An aro identity in which love, however one defines it, is placed at the center of one’s identity and considered to be integral to how one moves through the world.
#5fbeff #fdfeff #bdff5f #ffffff | #2e8dcf #d8d9db #93d535 #dadada | #ddf0ff #fdfeff #e8ffcb #ffffff
Romo Aro
[Romantic aromantic], an opt in umbrella term for aros who are romance favorable, partnering, lovequeer, experience some amount of romantic attraction (ex greyros or arospecs), desire romantic attraction or relationships, or otherwise identify with the term; seems or feels "too romantic to be aromantic".
The identity also encompasses anyone who is aro/ arospec whose attraction or other actions/experiences/feelings could be viewed as "romantic".
#40a640 #a3d679 #fab3b7 #ffffff #cbcbcb #010101 | #249f45 #50c040 #94db75 #ffffff #ffb5b6 #9080af #665581 #443554
An identity in which one's relationship identities (erosy, amory, affectionacy, gamy, etc.) aren't strict to just one set of identities. Amplusous people can have a flexible, fluid, flux, a gray area between identities, or an identity that is static, but fragmented, with other identities within it. In this way amplusous can be umbrella term but it can also be an identity on its own.
#dd93c4 #ffc6e9 #ffd1d1 #fee6c2 #ffffcb #ffffff
Ambiaffection is being able to enjoy, want, or have both Monoaffectionate and Polyaffectionate relationships; having affection/ate ambivalence. It is an alternative to Ambiamory that is used most often by aromantics and aro-specs.
Ambiaffectionate relationships are based on tertiary attractions, such as intimate platonic, queerplatonic, and alterous relationships. Ambiaffectionate people can have any orientation, however many are aromantic.
#4da76a #3f3b3c #b74eb5 #658b4e #ab96a9 #ffffff
Paripolyam / Paripolygam
A polyamorous/polygamous person who does not have a preference on if their relationships are polyamorous/polygamous or monogamous and is open to both.
#988bff #ff868b #919191 #b49799 #9c99b4 #9a9a9a
An alternative to polyamory that is made with arospecs in mind but can be used by anyone to describe wanting or having a non-romantic intimate relationship with more than one person.
#ffc1ea #fff9a5 #ffffff #b7ffb5 #84e281 #000000
A term for when someone is queerplatonically polyamorous but not romantically; for when someone is interested in having multiple queerplatonic partners but not multiple romantic partners.
#e1cf61 #dd375b #75d9f0 | #f2df81 #ee627f #91daeb | #f6db50 #f13158 #2fd8ff
For arospecs who are also on the polyam spectrum.
#ffd366 #ffe59a #9fc5e9 #6fa8dd #0b2945 #051b30 #000000
A term for aromantic/arospec individuals who are either exclusively attracted to aro(spec) individuals or emphasize/prioritize their attraction and relationships with other aro(spec) individuals.
#156653 #3ba052 #97ce7b #f3fccf #45aa98 #166262 #052027 | #000000 #585858 #88898b #cdced0 #ffffff #d3f6d5 #9bd49d #65bd69 #40a442
Trans people who love/date other trans people, often as a conscious preference due to our shared trans experiences that just can't be appreciated or understood by cis folks.
#fee885 #75e7ff #ffffff #ffa2e8 #b482ff #554785
Describes relationships where an intense emotional connection transcending what people usually think of as 'friendship' is present, but the relationship is not romantic in nature; people in a queerplatonic relationship may think of themselves as partners, may plan on spending their lives together, etc. The 'queer' is a reference to the idea of queering relationships and ideas about relationships, not for describing the orientations or genders of anyone in a queerplatonic relationship. Anyone, sexual or asexual, romantic or aromantic, straight, gay, queer, bi, lesbian, poly, cis, trans, etc can be in a queerplatonic relationship, can have more than one such relationship. It's a popular term within the aromantic community, but not all aromantics feel queerplatonic attraction, and not everyone who feels queerplatonic attraction is aromantic. Similar to alterous attraction but not quite the same.
#fff97d #ffaede #ffffff #7f7f7f #0f0f0f | #ff92c9 #2a2a2a #7f7f7f #ffffff #fef200 | #ffa2c4 #fff3ab #fafaf0 #c5986e #382717
A term for a relationship in which aromanticism is involved. Arofriend is largely open to the user's interpretation, and is not inherently attached to any particular sort of relationship, be it partnered, non-partnered, romantic, platonic, queerplatonic, unlabled, etc. Potential meanings may include:
#59a986 #1e6672 #1d405c #eeeeee #453365 #76437e #c77599
A term to define/represent the not so typical experiences of love, such as when someone within the aro/ace spectrum says "I love you", it's not that of typical love, but something of its own nature.
Using this term would go as follows! Saying "I l?ve you" or "me and my arofriend are in a l?ving relationship."
This term can also apply to those who aren't exactly aromantic, asexual, or anything of the likes but still feel their love is different from typical concepts of love, for example someone who is autistic might use this.
#62ac7b #367f61 #346164 #0a2840 #000022 #350a40 #643464 #7f3661 #ab628f #000000 #2e2e2e | #62ac7b #346164 #000022 #643464 #ab628f
Referring to "Romance / Romantic / Romanticism", but not necessarily Alloromanticism as this is broad and can apply to Romoaros / etc.
#6b1a21 #a35666 #ecdbc9 #ab3f5f #e7b5ac
An umbrella term for genders that fall outside of the male-female gender binary.
#fff433 #ffffff #9b59d0 #2d2d2d | #fff433 #fff8e7 #9b59d0 #2d2d2d | #ffdf88 #e3ad6d #af6e52 #dddddd #5b4585 #a56fc5 #cc8ed1 #222222 | #f8c46e #fdf3c2 #d1657c #3d2257 | #e76020 #e0bb75 #f0f0f2 #6f8a6b #0f0f0d
Transneutral Nonbinary
#fef552 #fffcdb #cba7a9 #3d3913 | #a6d233 #bbe7a8 #858f90 #325827 |#d3a78c #e4ceff #a66be3 #583e7b
Having a nonbinary-related or nonbinary-aligned gender no matter how the rest of your gender changes or moves.
#ffc586 #fff3b7 #feeb5e #ac5eff #000000
Pollaqiue Neutral/Xeno
Pollaqiue is a label for people who feel as if they have a solid "main gender" and that their hoard is a side thing. The ppl using this label mainly present as their core gender, and only as a genderhoarder in select places. They can also leave their hoard behind and be only their core gender for however long they want to, then pick the hoard back up again.
Pollaqiue neutral/xeno: when your core gender is neutral/nb, agender or a xenogender
#bb7d18 #e1a332 #ffd36a #fff4b2 #fadcfe #be88ea #8448c4 #521d93 #ffffff #badb58
Nonbinarything / Enbything / Enbanthing
A gender related to being both nonbinary and a thing; a nonbinarything.
#12103f #561fb1 #a838dc #f7ab4b #191a53 #fefff9 #fdfe65 #56bf63 #1c6a6a | #7c6a84 #808368 #a7aa8d #000000
Umbrella term for all genders neutral in nature. Not synonymous with nb, because, for example, juxera is nonbinary but it is feminine in nature, not neutral. May simply be used as "nin", ie. "my gender is nin".
#80fcb4 #a8f9ac #d3fba5 #fffa9f #ffde99 #fec494 #ffa98e
A term used to describe transgender people who were assigned male or female at birth, but identify with neutral gendered feelings to a greater extent than with femininity or masculinity. They usually are nonbinary but could be trans men or trans women.
OR when one is trans and neutral. This can be defined in many ways: one dresses/presents androgynously, one identifies more androgynous than male and/or female, one wishes to transition or is transitioning to be closer to androgynous than male and/or female, and many more.
#fffba4 #fff444 #fefccb | #73c950 #2f9c1d #b6f583 | #c09eff #9436f5 #dac6ff | #260d0a #714123 #b8a937 #afcd7e #ffffff #8e7fcf #b738b4 #71232e | #b08771 #d79d85 #ffb399 #fecca9 #fee6ba | #fefdf9 #fef9db #fff4bc #ffdcfc #aeb7ee #bec6f4 #d4dafa | #3c06a2 #445bcf #6baddd #dff6fe #c4abff #866bde #bf9ce0 | #903232 #c74746 #f4c963 #82b044 #6b8e3a | #ffffff #f6e736 #e8ab02 #2b2d2c | #ffffff #61d24c #087347 #2b2d2c | #6e8eff #fff6bf #ffcc93 #f17a5c #fe72bb | #5cb692 #84e596 #befd95 #f4ffdc
A gender related to being a transneutral thing, a thing that is transneutral, etc...
#2d0754 #3d2060 #4c3a6c #58777c #8bf4bb #64b78b #c5ffcf #64b79d #8bf3ce #5778a5 #4c3b8b #3e2082 #2d0776
Transitioning towards neutrality.
#ffdc82 #ffe6a4 #fcedcc #ffffff #d1ecfd #fdd9ff #f7c6fe #ecb2fe
Having a neutral-related or neutral-aligned gender no matter how the rest of your gender changes or moves.
#ffc586 #fff3b7 #87e587 #6d916d #575757
Suptilian Stellarian
Suptilian: a descriptor for when your gender is precise and not flexible, fluid, or in flux. it can be described as a strict gender, because suptilis is a variation of the latin word meaning delicate, strict, fine, or exact.
#7f7f7f #ffffff #9d00ff #000000
An umbrella term with a similar meaning to non-binary. It can be used to describe binary cisgender and transgender people within the LGBT+ community who feel that they have a queer or non-normative experience with their gender. It can also be used to describe any gender identities other than man and woman, thus outside of the gender binary.
#b57edc #ffffff #4a8123 | #6e3667 #d4508a #ffa3ba #fff3cb #d2d055 #7fa540 #29504d | #a97fc7 #c4a8d8 #e6e9f2 #7fa983 #4d8953 | #000000 #c795f6 #8a1cef #6dcedf #fff7bc #eaad5a #e12f8f #ea7fb7 | #000000 #c795f6 #8a1cef #42c0d6 #ffe401 #ee9311 #e12f8f #ea7fb7
Genderqueer+ / Genderqueerplus
When one is entirely genderqueer, plus other genders.
#2a2140 #b67fdd #ffffff #4a8123 #14340f
A gender that is/is related to the word 'genderqueer'!
#5c56f4 #470439 #6713a9 #53c661 #f063b2
A term used to describe trans people identifying with xenine gendered feelings to a greater extent than with femininity or masculinity. They usually are nonbinary but could be trans men or trans women.
#eedcae #dda050 #fce7c8 | #260926 #712323 #b87537 #cdcb7f #ffffff #cf7fac #8637b8 #233471 | #9d4b3f #d76c76 #f09dcb #f7e8ff #50b0c6 #296d6c | #ffffff #c7a1ec #827dd1 #2b2d2c
Xenine/xenic or xenogender/xingender transition; transitioning xeninely/xenically/xenily/xenly or xenogenderly/xingenderly; transitional xeninity/xenousness/xeny/xenicity.
#ff8e80 #fdd08f #fbfea7 #d2e8c2 #99c6d9 #8f84fe
Being a xenic woman or girl, either as a polygender/gendervast of xenogender and female, as a lunarian xenic woman or a multigirl with xenic genders.
#ff6692 #feb781 #ffffff #ffc6de #fe8cbf | #f67cb9 #f88ebe #f8a3b6 #fbf6d0 #e5a7f2 #e685ee #e76feb #ffffff
Xipgirl / Girlxip
A gender for those who are a xip and a girl, and may not use the term xenan and woman, at all on top of it, though people who also use those terms can use this too. Just keep in mind that this flag is specifically for xipgirls/girlxips and people who use that term, not necessarily any other. Anyone who considers themself some kind of xipgirl/girlxip is welcome to use this.
#6f4d9a #988ddb #c8baf8 #f9b8ee #ea89ce
Xengirlby / Xenbygirl
A term for those who identify as xenic, non-binary, and a girl.
#4c2a45 #564066 #3e5b5f #ff6692 #ff9a98 #ffb884 #fbffa8 #85bcfd #9d85ff #a310ff | #3d2b43 #5f3e5b #626286 #ff6692 #ff9a98 #ffb884 #fbffa8 #85bcfd #9d85ff #a310ff
A term for when one is a xenine in nature nonbinary girl.
#e8b07f #f6c662 #f8d6b3 #fee7a4 #dbbcc1 #dbbff2 #daa4e2 #fecec2 #f8bdd1 #fa9fc2 #ec8adf
An umbrella term for anyone who isn't cisgender (non-cisgender).
#8946a5 #50de88 #ffffff #feaec9 #00a3e8 | #dcb8e8 #c2f5e2 #ffffff #fed8e5 #80d0f3
#5bcefa #f5a9b8 #ffffff | #5bcefa #9de5fe #d5f3fe #ffffff #ffe7eb #ffccd5 #f5a8b8 | #16b2ed #5bcefa #9de5fe #ffffff #ffccd5 #f5a8b8 #f2728b | #afb4b0 #f9af94 #fff6d7
Transitioning towards a genderness. Meant to be slightly more inclusive than 'transfemininity' and 'transmasculinity'.
#66bafa #a0d7fe #dab7fb #fef2fe #ffd8e0 #febbdc #fe8ce1 | #3f61ab #679bc3 #9cd7e9 #d4f8ea #9166b6 #f9e7dd #eab9ab #c3768a #9d3a70
Being trans in more than one way, example: someone who's transmasc+transneutral, someone who's transxenine+transkenoine, etc.
#2a67b8 #2daa7e #66d248 #b8e065 #ffe480 #f1c16d #dd9354 #d36860 #be2f5d | #ffffff #80b6ff #9bff80 #ffe480 #ffba7f #ff7fa8 | #ff397c #fe9963 #f4eb76 #ffffff #7fd5f6 #659bff #8f3cfe
A gender in the musicorum system. Musigender individuals can only describe their gender as feeling like music itself. A musigender person may attempt to describe their gender with a specific song/tune/feeling but usually their gender is mostly unexplainable to someone who is not musigender.
#27218b #8e4ccb #f05de1 #52f2d4 #a1fdb1 #ffde8b #f0b148 #ed5947 #100d38 | #0f0f81 #5f1a73 #c17ba0 #ffffff #bcbcbc #999999 #5b5b5b #444444 #000000
A gender that is intrinsically related to music.
#f2eadd #d3b9aa #ac8878 #8e6a5e #644d45 #e9d6c5 #f2e4d7 #fff3e7 #ffffff
A gendersystem related to music!! This can be genres of music, moods of music (ex: happy music), character and game/movie music or music that reminds you of a character or game/movie. This can also be a gender by itself..relating to gender music.
#5f5f5f #2e2c2d #393738 #424041 #4e4c4d
A gender related to music & being a thing, or a musicgender thing.
#4a3e7c #705ba8 #9378d5 #c590e8 #f6dce7 #e790d5 #cc79d5 #9f5aaa #703e7d #5c3e7c
A gender related to being the embodiment of music!
#54c1d8 #336fcf #2e29a7 #f1b441 #992da5 #f21d93
A label for those who hoard song/music based genders of any kind.
#000000 #ffff00 #0000fe #fe0000 #ffffff
A gender that is/is related to the word 'audio'!
#fe8d41 #0e38ff #19dc2a #f1dd48 #ffffff #ff4047 #35bffe
A gender connected to the ♪ / Musical symbol and being a thing; A ♪thing.
#82abe3 #bfe8fe #e2f6ff #d7caff #959ce4 #fffdfe #ddd6ff #959be8
A xenogender where one's gender is related to, influenced by, or connected to one's comfort music.
#8298ad #b9d6dc #d4ede9 #fefdf9 #e5edd5 #c2dcb7 #82ad82
Musicstar / Musistar
A gender under the genderstar system where ones gender is related to stars and music, stars decorated with music, being a star of music, etc...
#e1473f #f9754e #fa954d #ffc65b #fff45c #ffffff
A gender related to the synth, future funk, and disco music genres, using she/her pronouns in a non-binary way, aliens, UFOs, stars, and the sunset color palette!
#f99b77 #cce7b0 #c6ffdc #9b9b9b #000000 #d7ecff #e8ccff #fba5d6
A gender relating to hyperpop! Can be about a specific song or album.
#61fef5 #fd00ac #1e0106 #3e22ff
Synth Omninoun
An omninoun for when one has a deep connection to the word "synth" and uses it, partially or fully, as their identity. One may use the word as a name, title, pronoun, and/or gender.
#f3f8fe #757776 #0c0c14 #be9255 #fc8801
A gender related to being a synth and a thing, or a 'synthing'.
#f1f1f1 #7d7d7d #474747 #262626 #40d4e0 #209bba
An umbrella for terms connected to the retrowave, synthwave, darksynth and similar genres of music. It is not a xenogender, but a different alignment in itself, though they may overlap or be combined.
#0e0c22 #3f3dc5 #775be3 #ab74ec #91f5f5 #629cce #35459a #202174
A gender that is both Synthroin and neutral, experiencing both Synthroin and neutral genders in some way.
#0e0c22 #202174 #4664ad #91f3f2 #daefc6 #8acf7f #3eb446
A transgender person who identifies with, is transitioning towards, or has transitioned to a synthroic or synthroin identity.
#0e0c22 #b489f2 #3b50a1 #9cf7f8 #5eaee9
A gender connected to rainbows and being a wave. This may be connected to feeling like a "wave" in a wide range of hues, like that of a classical rainbow.
#6a1b4b #fa5c4c #fed983 #411b6a #85fdb7 #3dbfdc #4c30a7
A synthroin gender connected to colors.
#0f0a4d #114497 #9bd9b0 #ffffe7 #eecb91 #e55183 #5d3f7f
A synthroin gender connected to the color Orange.
#370626 #7e1637 #cd2d47 #f3664b #f9b471
A synthroin gender connected to the color Yellow.
#222337 #6f253e #f0524f #fb9950 #fbd373
A synthroin gender connected to the color Violet.
#00001c #1c0054 #41069c #575adb #82cbfe
A gender that is both Synthroin and fluid, experiencing both Synthroin and fluid genders in some way, such as being fluid between Synthroin genders or having Synthroin and fluid gender(s) at the same time.
#0f0d25 #f3d5e1 #f272a2 #b123d9 #1d1f5a #354abf #78c7d8 #d6e7f1
A gender that is both Synthroin and feminine, experiencing both Synthroin and feminine genders in some way.
#0e0c22 #202174 #4664ad #91f3f2 #efc3dc #e389c9 #d330ad
A gender that is both Synthroin and genderera, experiencing both Synthroin and genderera genders in some way.
#202174 #4664ad #92f4f3 #0e0c22 #3a0150 #95125e #ea91eb #8964e7 #3f3dc5
A gender that is both Synthroin and azurgirl, experiencing both Synthroin and azurgirl genders in some way.
#0c0a20 #222880 #3f8ec7 #99f8e4 #0e0c21 #e4dbee #c661ad #801863 #0d0a25
A gender that is both Synthroin and masculine, experiencing both Synthroin and masculine genders in some way.
#0e0c22 #202174 #4664ad #91f3f2 #afd9f2 #4eb0f9 #2c61bd
A gender that is/is related to the word 'disco'!
#ff4047 #0e38ff #19dc2a #f1dd48 #ffffff #fc3ae6 #ffa046 #35bffe
A gender that is influenced by the emotions and sensations evoked by indie music. This gender may feel masc or masc-aligned, and is characterized by a deep appreciation and obsession with indie songs. Just as indie music often combines various genres and creates a unique sound, this gender may feel fluid and ever-changing, incorporating different aspects of masculinity and other non-binary gender expressions.
#d0984b #b55c3a #b1434e #8f457a #d6649a #394d65
A gender that feels alien but in a comforting familiar way. It may feel bright; shining with an inner light; protective; nostalgic; neon. It may also relate to constellations; vaporwave; finding comfort in the night sky; the 🌌 emoji; the combination of neon pink & neon cyan.
#d4c7fc #220981 #300a9e #430ce4 #6b36fa #a485fa #61fcf4 #fc4cf5 | #d6bff5 #2b1253 #492797 #6a4ce0 #8965ed #ab96ff #97cffe #d661d4
A gender that is related to, influenced by, or just is glowing under a UV/black light, like how you would be seen in certain laser tag places, arcades, or bowling alleys.
#090170 #0f0192 #1401b3 #ef2fa7 #ef8b41 #b5ea28 #2bf5cb #7e39ec | #090170 #0f0192 #1401b3 #d85aaa #d79665 #b5d15a #63dd79 #59d8bd #8e62d5
A gender related to or attached to lights, glowing objects, and the color scarlet.
#1c1e2d #3d1a50 #77206e #ab1674 #d8247f #fc2c60 #fe4a4d #ff7376 | #2f224e #612690 #a52ebe #d42bb2 #f13ca5 #fd4583 #ff6e71 #fe7974
A gender that feels like it glows a purple light, whether it be a soft or hard light.
#000000 #2b2030 #512b68 #662c91 #7436aa #8c3fcb
A gender connected to the rainbow.
#323232 #636363 #959595 #d8d8d8 #ffffff #fe7774 #ffaf74 #fee892 #a7fd92 #67d4f1 #6788f3 #9030dc #ba30dd | #dc3082 #fc6868 #ffb075 #fee892 #ffffff #a6fd92 #67c8f2 #cc48e9 #9030dc
An emojigender subtype; a gender that relates to or is described best as the rainbow emoji.
#df070c #fef76b #38d138 #2e7aea #5a05ba | #ff500f #fad918 #98cd34 #00c1ea #867dfa | #ec1922 #fbcb4b #5c923e #1e6899 #8867ae
A gender connected to rainbows and being an enby. This may be connected to feeling like an 'enby' in a wide range of hues, like that of a classical rainbow.
#eb675b #473775 #e3cd56 #0d5480
A gender under the genderstar system where ones gender is related to rainbows and stars, rainbows with stars on them, being a star of rainbows, etc...
#ef3b3a #ff6146 #fe8046 #ffc146 #cdff46 #74fe46 #47ffcb #45e0fe #4790ff #4846ff #9f47fe #f347ff
A gender under the gendercomic system. A gender related to comics and rainbows, a comic about a rainbow, a rainbow who likes comics, etc.
#432ad0 #b42222 #ff9422 #ffbe22 #338932 #2a94d0 #9428de
A gender connected to rainbows and being a gxrl. This may be connected to feeling like a 'gxrl' in a wide range of hues, like that of a classical rainbow.
#ac8c8f #aaa69b #cdbb89 #f9d797
A gender connected to rainbows and being an asti. This may be connected to feeling like an 'asti' in a wide range of hues, like that of a classical rainbow.
#6c549e #028398 #6f9d54 #e6cf81
Rainbow Presentic
A presentation modality in which one expresses one's gender identity in a manner related to, inspired by or the same as the colors of the rainbow. One might feel euphoric when wearing rainbow colors, might try to adopt characteristics associated with the rainbow. might present in a way that is associated with rainbows and may experience gender euphoria when doing so irregardless of gender identity or gender label.
#ff2eb3 #ffb367 #fffa9c #ffffff #bfff9f #65cfff #862eff
A lexegender connected/related to the word "neon."
This gender may or may not actually be related to neon things, but the word just seems to adequately describe one's gender.
#ff0004 #f9ff01 #00ff1d #0128ff #fff0eb | #fe0000 #ffff00 #00ff01 #ff00fe #ffffff | #0f0f0f #dc2889 #2f81d3 #ededed #fff429 #62cd4b
A xenic alignment to color(s). Can be used like tealian, purplian, creamian, etc.
#424242 #000000 #fe0000 #ff9600 #ffff00 #a100da #1024b7 #07ae52
An umbrella term for when one's gender feels as though it is 'tinted' a certain colour.
#1e2128 #493e42 #d99679 #fdc99a
A gender that feels as if when light hits it, it projects/turns into a rainbow of pastel colors!
#faa7ff #fea7ba #ffcba9 #fff1a8 #d3ffa8 #a7ffc5 #a8e6ff #c0a8fe
A gender that is related to the RYB colour model.
#000000 #0000fe #fe0000 #ffff00 #ffffff | #000000 #3842c8 #f10d0c #fac618 #efe3af
A gender that is related to the CMYK colour model.
#000000 #ffff00 #00ffff #ff00fe #ffffff | #000000 #fac618 #17c8fc #fe158a #efe3af
A gender that is related to the RGB colour model.
#ffffff #0000fe #fe0000 #00ff01 #000000 | #f7f1d7 #3842c8 #f10d0c #62d927 #0f0d12
A colorgender subtype where instead of your gender being a single hue, it's an entire color palette.
#090909 #bd4060 #e3885b #e2b84a #5caa3a #4ca0cc #506dc9 #874ab1 #ece4d1 | #d64157 #ffb9c4 #cec5d8 #a7e4ff #fed932 #fed932 #ee7735 #ec3642 #801701 | #000000 #ffc245 #d7f638 #3af8d4 #fefefe #585cf1 #4032bd #120a6f #a0adbd | #781d48 #1cdec3 #ffd6aa #fe77b9 #fdb6d6 #ffffff | #000000 #3d3759 #8d8bf8 #5dffac #d4fc5d #ffa455 #ffffff | #000000 #1d5ffe #212737 #f5fffc #beff1f #fcc11f #ff2081 | #2b1e49 #9080fd #ffffff #fd81d7 #fec787 #d6fe8e #e6e2df | #000000 #1c47f5 #11bd2d #fff000 #de7001 #ed1b24 #ffffff | #000000 #8df4a5 #61c0ee #fe7589 #ffa800 #ffe200 #ffffff | #000000 #202020 #fb6477 #fbb1a6 #ffdccc #fff9eb #ffffff | #000000 #bf00fe #4900ff #01faff #40ff01 #fef200 #ff7701 #ff0090 #ffffff | #000000 #e18985 #f9e9b6 #b2c96e #e57243 #86c7c3 #58afc2 #b199b9 #ffffff | #000000 #5abde6 #2180c4 #f6a347 #dfe2f3 #e25424 #bddac8 #9082bd #ffffff | #ef86ae #d93124 #f39801 #fff0ad #74b920 #81cde4 #53b6d3 #1980cb #ba78a6 #ffffff #000000 | #000000 #fffdee #ea525e #f3984f #00a384 #fde792 #007cbc #ffffff | #000000 #f6edd0 #e29aa5 #46ac3f #fcdd34 #e78f4f #b28e80 #ffffff | #000000 #e16e99 #f6a748 #f6ea62 #a6cf71 #77d3e0 #2286e8 #a883d3 #ffffff #b18c86 | #000000 #fddb84 #fe9c83 #976393 #685489 #43457e #ffffff | #262230 #000000 #9ad9eb #01a4e7 #b5e51d #ffffff #ffc90d #fd6768 #feb0ca #ecece4 | #000000 #22b1ff #ffd800 #ff228c #ffffff | #000000 #0035a9 #9c4f97 #d60070 #ffffff | #000000 #a20161 #b4578e #d162a6 #ffffff #ff9b57 #ef7627 #d52d00 #e8e4db | #000000 #3d1a78 #5049cb #7bade2 #ffffff #98e8c1 #26ceaa #078e70 #e8e4db | #000000 #5bcefa #f5abba #ffffff #e8e4db | #000000 #282828 #9d59d2 #ffffff #fcf431 #e8e4db | #14292a #000000 #a9a9a9 #ffffff #a7d479 #3da542 #e8e4db | #30163d #810081 #ffffff #a5a5a5 #000000 #e8e4db | #000000 #f3c6cb #f0e8e6 #f2bba6 #f89195 #f67b7e #ffffff | #000000 #111227 #502d4e #994962 #d87562 #f9b15c #f8f971 #ffffff | #000000 #282536 #b5334d #ef5d5d #fe9693 #f5bec1 #ffffff | #000000 #7e92d1 #ff8db1 #ffc476 #ffd8d9 #d8b0f7 #ffffff | #000000 #33b0a2 #b8dbba #bdf1fe #71bce3 #2b559f #ffffff | #000000 #33b0a2 #85b0db #b2ebf2 #48cbc3 #067ea0 #ffffff | #000000 #4a5899 #cb6cc0 #d1b3e9 #fdfdfd #f7c266 #ffffff | #000000 #db436c #e9a37f #f3f5dd #c3d4f0 #93b1d3 #519ea6 #ffffff | #000000 #db436c #f3b5a6 #f6d8ce #bbf1fd #82d2e9 #4e96be #ffffff | #000000 #db436c #ae7cc3 #b3a7d7 #beedf3 #61dac7 #28aaac #ffffff | #000000 #93d2f1 #d91fec #932ef4 #7d1f9b #4a1064 #ffffff | #000000 #33017a #7e00ac #f4468b #ff7380 #e8be96 #d8e5ad #caf1ff #ffffff | #000000 #160e25 #652f4f #7badac #f0e4ce #e72c33 #370101 #ffffff | #3f0110 #b53556 #572643 #17152a #e43224 #cad5c4 #556050 #ffffff | #000000 #fef200 #89c7f8 #ba90f2 #c156a4 #ffffff | #000000 #4782c8 #ffe467 #ff4711 #ffffff | #000000 #e1cc97 #f9a801 #e55401 #1b0f01 #ffffff | #000000 #a4b6f8 #6688ea #f3b6d8 #324bc1 #cee2fb #2acfcb #fff2cf #ffffff | #000000 #fd7170 #d02170 #991851 | #000342 #020a5b #3b2d8e #8167cc #ffffff #febcd8 #e14b8b #f9d7aa #ffa84f #fc7a2c | #000000 #717bac #2c4c73 #261d22 #44373e #73617b #9d4f43 #e56c3f #dab646 #f2d786 #fefefe | #000000 #ff67a2 #f30fae #9f01b0 #530082 #22096f #5c27fe #764dff #ffffff | #000000 #0d0826 #6c25d9 #0068e3 #13f2f1 #0163c6 #010080 #ffffff | #000000 #73a7fa #8821d0 #65189a #fefefe
A gender related to this flag's color palette.
#213a36 #f7f0d6 #92ff66 #d6ff75 #feab77 #ff1d45
A colorgender relating to the colors of twilight, including pink, purple, blue, and magenta. One feels all these colors at once, combined to make the gender.
#ff31fe #8c3bfc #3f3efb #832a98 #c64f6f
Azurgirltweakflagic / Azurgirltweacoloric
A gender related to the (colors of the) tweaked azurgirl flag.
#72e5c6 #56abe1 #7b2cea #ffa4cd #ffdbe9 | #323232 #6d6d6d #bcbcbc #ffffff #7b2cea #56abe1 #72e5c6 #ffdbe9 #ffa4cd
Dawngayflagic / Dawngaycoloric
A gender related to the (colors of the) dawn gay flag.
#a594f0 #f6d3fd #ff92c3 #fec3e1 #e766c3 | #323232 #ffffff #f6d3fd #c1aff9 #a594f0 #b556ba #e766c3 #ff92c3 #fec3e1
Duskgayflagic / Duskgaycoloric
A gender related to the (colors of the) dusk gay flag.
#131493 #c663e2 #9f1d59 #fc83b6 #621362 | #323232 #ffffff #131493 #5a36e2 #c663e2 #fc83b6 #ec4d61 #9f1d59 #621362
Gaybianblaflagic / Gaybianblacoloric
A gender related to the (colors of the) alternate gaybian flag by blankmogai.
#f7b585 #dd1f65 #fcfcfc #5045bb #68e0c4 | #636363 #ffffff #dd1f65 #f57373 #f7b585 #fcfcfc #68e0c4 #4297b6 #5045bb
Gaybreakflagic / Gaybreakcoloric
A gender related to the (colors of the) daybreak gay man flag.
#4071b4 #b369b8 #ff969d #ffd07e #fef6e9 | #323232 #6d6d6d #bcbcbc #fef6e9 #ffd07e #ff969d #b369b8 #4071b4 #000014
A gender related to the colors of the 2017 rainbow flag with the lavender stripe.
#cf66ff #ff69b3 #fe0000 #ff8e01 #ffff00 #008d00 #00c1c0 #400097 #8e018e
A gender related to the colors of the original rainbow flag.
#ff69b3 #fe0000 #ff8e01 #ffff00 #ffffff #008d00 #00c1c0 #400097 #8e018e
A gender related to the colors of the lesbian flag.
#ff9b55 #d62900 #ffffff #a40061 #d562a5
Lesboyflagic / Lesboycoloric
A gender related to the (colors of) lesboy flag.
#c8f0f8 #9281e9 #4f0d89 #dd316d #ea9d6f | #323232 #959595 #ffffff #4f0d89 #dd316d #ea9d6f #c8f0f8 #9281e9 #253980
Oxigenderflagic / Oxigendercoloric
A gender related to the (colors of the) oxigender flag.
#ffb262 #ff3f4a #872c79 #9d56fe #a9fffe | #323232 #959595 #ffffff #952d5e #ff3f4a #ffb262 #a9fffe #9d56fe #772b8d
Rosboytweakflagic / Rosboytweacoloric
A gender related to the (colors of the) tweaked rosboy flag.
#ffa1b3 #f736a9 #a21db4 #4fd0f7 #bef2ff | #323232 #6d6d6d #bcbcbc #ffffff #a21db4 #f736a9 #ffa1b3 #bef2ff #4fd0f7
Veldigirlflagic / Veldigirlcoloric
A gender related to the (colors of) veldigirl/turigirl flag.
#48afc0 #6048c2 #590a5b #eb2a61 #fbcbcb | #323232 #959595 #ffffff #590a5b #6048c2 #48afc0 #fbcbcb #eb2a61
A gender related to the colors purple and red.
#3b090a #870b0b #d22222 #fe5e5e #e1e1e1 #fc5fe2 #b21fb5 #640980 #2d0249
A gender related to the colors golden yellow and teal.
#d5a401 #ffc300 #ffd95c #ffedaf #ffffff #65ddc4 #1bbc9b #007f6a #056152
A subtype of yellowgender and pinkgender!
#ddc531 #f2e268 #ffee92 #fffee2 #ffffff #ffe3ef #fe92c4 #f267a8 #dc3096
A gender related to the colors purple and teal.
#66048b #9410c6 #c85bf2 #e8affe #ffffff #65ddc4 #1bbc9b #007f6a #056152
A gender related to the colors rose (red-pink) and teal.
#9a1034 #dc3569 #f4638a #ffa5c1 #ffffff #65ddc4 #1bbc9b #007f6a #056152
A gender related to the colors black and teal.
#000000 #1b1b1b #2b2b2b #363636 #ffffff #65ddc4 #1bbc9b #007f6a #056152
A xenic alignment to the color red.
#424242 #000000 #840000 #b40605 #db1111 #fe0000 #ee5162 #ea7a86
A xenic alignment to the color orange.
#424242 #000000 #873607 #ab4a03 #ff6d00 #ff9a00 #f0a532 #f5b657
A xenic alignment to the color yellow.
#424242 #000000 #ab8219 #c8ac00 #e8cd00 #ffff00 #fff562 #fffaa8
A gender that presents itself in a yellow way/as yellow/in a way that involves a lot of yellow. Can be used as a descriptor for other terms.
#ffb629 #ffd948 #fef46e #fffea1
A xenic alignment to the color pastel yellow.
#424242 #000000 #f8f7a5 #f9fbca #fffeea #f8e4b2 #f8e9c8 #fef7e4
A xenic alignment to the color cream.
#424242 #000000 #e4d7a2 #f4eca3 #fdf6c2 #faf7ce #fffdd7 #fffef1
A xenic alignment to the color green.
#424242 #000000 #003c08 #0e5217 #00883e #07ae52 #3fdd6e #8dec9a
Being both an azurgirl and a green-related gender, an azurgirl whose gender is related to the color green, etc.; having a green-related gender and being a masculine girl/gal/woman in some way (alignment, expression, multigenderness, etc.)
#01702b #149c0e #49cc28 #b4e474 #ffffff #fe7eb7 #ffdbe9 #53dfba #7b34f4
A gender connected to the color teal; a colorgender related to teal.
#323232 #636363 #959595 #d8d8d8 #ffffff #65ddc4 #1bbc9b #007f6a #056152
A gender where you are a girl in a way that is heavily connected to the color teal.
#195958 #42979e #3dc0c8 #8be8de #fdecff #e5b3e8 #bc8cc8 #b56daf #a44999
A xenic alignment to the color blue.
#424242 #000000 #001e3a #180f52 #001f89 #2d4fa8 #5183dc #6dbdd8
Being both an azurgirl and a blue-related gender, an azurgirl whose gender is related to the color blue, etc.; having a blue-related gender and being a masculine girl/gal/woman in some way (alignment, expression, multigenderness, etc.)
#1c469a #267bcb #69c4f0 #bae8ff #ffffff #fe7eb7 #ffdbe9 #53dfba #7b34f4
A gender connected to the color aqua; a colorgender related to aqua.
#323232 #636363 #959595 #d8d8d8 #ffffff #a6feff #01e5e6 #00bab9 #018989
A xenic alignment to the color pastel blue.
#424242 #000000 #b9a6f7 #cec0fb #e2dbfc #a2e8f4 #c0ecf5 #daf6fa
A gender connected to the color purple.
#323232 #636363 #959595 #d8d8d8 #ffffff #f6e3ff #c99ae2 #ac6acc #8a39b2 | #e693ff #8e00b6 #511462 #000000 #411165 #7000ea #a95bff
A xenic alignment to the color purple.
#424242 #000000 #34054b #501c67 #710098 #a100da #c13eee #d697ff
A gendertinted subterm for when one's gender feels as though it is tinted purple.
#481b54 #a23ebc #bea06a #e3e4ba #9aaea5
Being both an azurgirl and a purple-related gender, an azurgirl whose gender is related to the color purple, etc.; having a purple-related gender and being a masculine girl/gal/woman in some way (alignment, expression, multigenderness, etc.)
#8e0bb1 #ad10d9 #d635f5 #f68bff #ffffff #fe7eb7 #ffdbe9 #53dfba #7b34f4
A xenic alignment to the color pastel purple.
#424242 #000000 #d9bafe #e7d5fb #f8f2fe #f0bdf8 #f5dcfa #f8f1f9
A xenic alignment to the color rose (red-pink).
#424242 #000000 #6a1d31 #9a1034 #dc3569 #ef5a80 #f988a4 #ffbacc
A gender where you are a girl in a way that is heavily connected to the color red pink.
#a44999 #b56daf #bc8cc8 #e5b3e8 #fdecff #e577b4 #ce5894 #c43573 #ac175b
A gender connected to the color pastel pink; a colorgender related to pastel pink.
#323232 #959595 #d8d8d8 #ffffff #ffedf9 #ffd8ed #ffc8e7 #fabdcc
A xenic alignment to the color pastel pink.
#424242 #000000 #f7a6b9 #fcbfce #f9d6dd #f69ddf #f3b8e4 #f9d5ef
Pink Presentic
A presentation modality in which one expresses one's gender identity in a manner related to, inspired by or the same as the color pink. One might feel euphoric when wearing shades of pink, might try to adopt characteristics associated with the color pink. Might present in a way that is associated with shades of pink and may experience gender euphoria when doing so irregardless of gender identity or gender label.
#fe41b9 #ff8ddb #fecef4 #ffeffc #ffffff
A gender connected to being virtual + a thing, or a virtualthing!
#7e2de4 #8768f2 #90a0ff #b2f9ff #e3fffe #ffffff
A gender that is/is related to the word 'electronic'!
#cdfa3f #000000 #4f514e #3476d6
A gender that is/is related to the word 'circuit'!
#8e8f8a #840607 #0fbc15 #f4f504 #e06d02
A gender related to virtuality, silliness and having fun online.
#615667 #586a78 #78b9a1 #8ec1ae #eaf9d4 #689d87 #c5df9e #d4eead #a9c997 #ddf1be
Girlvirtual / Girldigital
A gender under gendervirtual/genderdigital that is related to virtual/digital themes and being a girl/gal/woman. It could be related to being a virtual/digital girl/gal/woman, a girl/gal/woman who loves virtual/digital themes, etc.
#790f26 #aa0e55 #f96e8b #ffaebf #d93768 #ba2451 #791213 #570b0b #66180c #4c0700 #ffdee4
A feminine-aligned gender connected to being virtual + a thing, or a virtualthing!
#7e2de4 #8768f2 #90a0ff #d4b9fe #efbeff #491bde
Guyvirtual / Guydigital
A gender under gendervirtual/genderdigital that is related to virtual/digital themes and being a boy/guy/man. It could be related to being virtual/digital boy/guy/man, a boy/guy/man who loves virtual/digital themes, etc.
#040764 #022a9b #206cc4 #59c5f3 #4c7cbe #3d1a78 #341976 #240a61 #190053 #03002d
A masculine-aligned gender connected to being virtual + a thing, or a virtualthing!
#7e2de4 #8768f2 #90a0ff #96fbd1 #c0ffd0 #491bde
A xenogender that is or connected to errors and glitches occuring in vocal synths. This is vocal synths in general and not limited to vocaloid.
#02dab1 #013b2c #1e7bfe #feba27 #e500b5
A gender under the genderfont gender system that's related to the karmatic arcade font, may be the aesthetic of it, a personal connection to it, or anything you think fits best.
#ee4423 #ff9527 #f6eb15 #4faf44 #2a3493
A gender that feels connected to radios or radio broadcasts.
#800f81 #ff00fe #01ffff #af2c02 #a67e7c #f2d577 #000000
A gender related to stars! Feels bright, carefree, and somewhat whimsical.
#a63223 #be5f25 #f6aa3c #ffd248
A gender system in which ones gender is related to stars and [x], stars decorated with [x], being a star and [x], etc... (take it as you will)
#555555 #7a7a7a #888888 #999999 #878787 #acacac #3f3f3f #ffffff
An -enic subtype. A gender that feels like it's radiating star energy/star-like energy.
#311d50 #8d3dde #ffc854 #ffffff
A gender connected to being a star/starry/star-like & a thing; a starthing.
#212445 #8163ad #a4acdb #d9d7e5 #503f6b #e7e4ed #772f47 #f7ebdb #f9c89f #e96a64 #8f443f
A gender connected to the ☆ symbol and being a thing, a ☆ thing.
#fff9ab #ffde8d #ffbf77 #ffa760 #ffebc0 #ffde8d
A gender that is/is related to the word 'interstellar'!
#2d2d2d #1b1beb #fec400 #ed02e5 #6805ad #000000
A gender that is/ is related to the word starlight.
#ebc04d #ffd775 #ffe39f #ffedd9 #66a3f6 #3f80dc #1e5eb6
Starfriend / Starfriendic
A word similar to boyfriend or girlfriend, for those whose genders involve space/stars/aliens/etc. in some way!
This can be used as a term for a partner as well as a gender. as a gender, it may be connected to love, outer space, and the feelings and behaviors associated with being in a relationship.
"Starfriend" can be a term for a partner as well as the name of the associated gender, but the word "starfriendic" can be used to denote the gender specifically.
While this word is modeled after a term for a romantic partner, anyone can use this word for their relationship/gender if that is how they choose to label it.
#554a34 #fffa82 #55206e #fff300 #4f2ba5 #e34fe1 #6e212b
Gender connected to the colour red, stars, or red stars!
#c20003 #f50005 #ff0004 #fe272c #ff6567 #ffffff #c4091c
Gender connected to the colour yellow, stars, or yellow stars!
#fffeae #ffe721 #fff847 #fdf274 #e1d2e7 #f8e9fe #ffc90d
Gender connected to the colour green, stars, or green stars!
#7cfe53 #32de32 #b3ff83 #dfffbe #ffffff #23b14d
Relating to the color blue & and stars!
#afe0fe #c5e9ff #b9e5fe #ffffff #d1eefe #82d0ff #32c1fd
Gender connected to the colour purple, stars, or purple stars!
#d9b4e7 #b542e7 #c262e7 #d292e8 #f8e9fe #a349a3
Gender connected to the colour pink, stars, or pink stars!
#feaec9 #ff1f53 #ff4364 #ff6283 #fe86a2 #ffffff
A xenogender in which one's gender is represented by glow in the dark stars.
#3e3e3e #000000 #a1ff9e
A non-xenine / neogender connected to playful sparks and stardust.
#aa1845 #b84c64 #f7838c #ffe497 #fff3d1
Phostarrflamial / Phostarrpyrial
A gender in the phosial system that is lit by stars that are on fire!
#d149e7 #7c0000 #ca3515 #fe5e00 #ffad01 #ffffff #fce36d
A gender related to the stars and being a girl, or being a girl of the stars.
#7c6e92 #5b3f79 #31275b #d6429a #ff7daf
A gender that is both stargender and girl/gal/woman/female.
#00023b #387fb5 #acdafc #fdfffe #ffc6de #ff95c5 #ff509f
Star Transneu
When you're transneu and love stars or/and feel as though your transneutrality is related to stars or/and you feel like your transneutrality is influenced by the stars.
#f29e00 #f7b658 #fecc85 #fffde6 #fefdba #fffe70 #fff927 #ffffff
An umbrella term for all genders that are CELESTIN. Can also be used to refer to either a gender that is not fully defined, but is definitely celestine, or had celestinity as a defining feature.
#5b54c4 #aa5af9 #db8eff #ffd46e #ff8ef6 #e25afa #a454c3
A gender quality (like masculine and feminine) noting a connection to celestiality/celestialness/the celestial. The adjective form is celestinity.
#5b54c4 #c55af8 #ff8ef6 #ffd46e
A gender connected to rainbows and being a smic. This may be connected to feeling like a 'smic' in a wide range of hues, like that of a classical rainbow.
#4b4e6d #3d6984 #5c8a6d #c3d5a3
A gender-neutral equivalent of "spaceman". Being a spaceperson could involve feelings of being a person from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a person made of space matter, a person associated with or defined by space, etc.
#b079b3 #602d7c #3b2150 #eef97f #212950 #42529d #7e94f9
When the word "spaceman" also describes your gender. Being a spaceman could involve feelings of being a man from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a man made of space matter, a man associated with or defined by space, etc.
#b079b3 #602d7c #3b2150 #b1b0fe #212950 #42529d #7e94f9
Visuagalactic / Galactivisua
A gender related to the visual qualities and/or aesthetic of galaxies.
#12143a #320a7a #6810b4 #bc20c5 #f7725f #f0a832
A gender related to the image shown below:
#3b384b #3f636f #598796 #3f2f53 #afc0c7 #548474 #8fa6c8 #a1b3cb #e5dde8 #252525 #748841 #bac589 #604415 #557238 #524d13 #40320b #682a69 #544379 #814719 #963f4f #000000
A gender that feels intense, bright, and explosive like a supernova. A term intended mainly for neurodivergent people like myself whose neurodivergence affects their perception of gender, but can be used by anyone who feels connected. This gender may fluctuate in intensity.
#000000 #800196 #ff228c #59d7ff #fcff58 #ffffff
A gender connected to both the sun and the cosmos.
#0a0641 #6420a7 #2a81ac #c3383f #fddf87 #fefdc7
A variant of noenfluid where your gender changes, but is always connected to space/astronomy in some way. Inspired by starfluid, however this gender is not a part of the celestial gender system, and is instead a subsection of noenfluid.
#9d86d8 #a5b9eb #c5f0df #ffffff #f7eecf #f1b0e8
A xenogender related to supernovas, the solar system, and being a girl and/or being Feminine.
#3e021e #741f49 #c35f91 #ff0cda #ed9dff #ffffff
A feminine aligned gender that has feelings tied to space.
#e4a6a7 #d28f8c #beabc7 #897c9a #5e5874 #3d3b51 #262837 #0a0b10
A xenogender related to supernovas, the solar system, and being a boy and/or being Masculine.
#02093f #1f2b75 #606fc4 #0b86ff #9cedfe #ffffff
Caeporine / Caeporaline
Someone who is caelgender and aporagender.
#f8a5db #e3bdf0 #ffff95 #99b9e8 #ffffff
A gender that is/is related to the word 'alien'!
#740031 #d74400 #afc80c #b0ff54 #ff90a8 #6fe6d0 #b18abf #c60868
A gender related to love, love letters, UFOs, stargazing and pink planets.
#000000 #36073e #6d0c59 #b51b64 #f95a7a #feb2b4 #f0377a #ff99c8 #af176e #ee065f
A Xenogender that falls under the Aliengender subtype; a gender related to being an alien and being silly/gender related to aliens and being silly/silliness. This gender was coined with otherkin (specifically alienkin) in mind but it's not otherkin exclusive.
#15144e #513393 #309ac1 #54e5be #abff63 #ffffff #38a06f #1b5c56
A gender related to bold, joyous love! Fun love! Love that breaks conventions! Love that is beautiful! Love that elevates the lovers as people! Love that is not about social customs of dating, although it may follow them, but instead about expressing pure, magnificent joy to one another! It was made with love that could be described as "gay" in mind, and we feel it fits that love better do to the flag's appearance mainly, but anyone can use it.
#3c1238 #860057 #d93a34 #f9b9d3 #1ac1c7 #0037b5 #1e1045 #ff6a5b #f5d461 #7cdbaf #c778c9 #ff0188 #ffff53 #ffffff #01ffff #ff5e6e
A gender under the Genderlike system where one's gender has the qualities of love, but is not fully love.
#79004a #b72c65 #de737d #f3b2ac #fff9f6 #ffffff #4c0040
A demigender where the static/partial gender(s) are any love or romance related gender. The other gender(s) can be anything.
#7f7f7f #c3c3c3 #ff1717 #ffffff
Loverlexic / Loveric
A lexic gender related / connected to the word "lover". This gender may or may not be related to romance, that's up for the user to decide!
#e4a6bd #f4abc6 #f6d0df #f9f0f3 #f2d0de #fefefe #f5c9da | #ab0b17 #c72441 #d0304c #d83473 #f294b8 #ffc8e8 #cb2c4a #f02e51
An in nature term where one's identity is Loverenby in nature. This being just having a connection to the word to being a Loverboy oneself. LeIN is similar to terms like MIN and FIN.
#a13193 #ac51a0 #d360c5 #f196e5 #ffdcfa
A xenic lovegender in which love and xeninity/xenogender-ness are linked.
Some examples of what this may look like:
This can refer to love of any kind.
#e45c8c #b53043 #fd9999 #fbfea5 #9d85ff
Amatian / Amatopunkgender
A gender related to amatopunk in some way. It may be literal, metaphorical, or used as a modifier to an existing genders.
#205977 #67d095 #fff6a7 #ef9b77 #833350
A lovegender related to queerplatonic love and attraction. It may feel warm, happy, excited, safe, or any feelings with which one would associate queerplatonic love/relationships.
#fffda6 #fefb4c #000000 #ff5a5e #feadac
A gender connected to l?ve and being a thing; a l?vething.
#408982 #61ab88 #41887a #163f53 #092040 #ffffff #270843 #6b3e75 #a66197 #d498bc #874084
A gender related to the colors that the user associates with lovecore/love aesthetics.
#a42dbb #b46eeb #46cde3 #9bfad8 #ffffff #faf39b #ffa4a3 #e141bf #c93f56
A gender relating to pastels and platonic affection.
#a6cbba #a99fb7 #ae7dbf #ce91cd #fae1e5 #e7a6ba #e7bdc1 #fefefe
A gender connected to orange, comfort, affection, and love.
#ff9676 #ffa4a9 #febbde #ffc3ff #e1b6fe #bba4ff #6b8cff
A gender related to, felt through, and/or represented by infinite, universal love.
Things/people for which the individual feels love include the world, nature, humanity, the complex details of life, family, friends, pets, partners, and fictional characters.
This also relates to love felt by the individual from the universe (i.e. that the universe loves them), as though the universe gazes its love onto them in sunlight, moonlight, and starlight.
It is also connected to or represented by a candle to read by at midnight, or a parasol at the beach in the daytime.
#e76ac8 #c537a3 #903b74 #ffffff #9c2b56 #c84362 #ff819e
A gender related to the <3 emoticon. A subset under emoticongender.
#802105 #f40000 #ff598d #e0e0e0 #ffffff
A gender connected to the ♡ / heart symbol and being a thing; a ♡thing.
#fad1e3 #fde3f0 #ffeef6 #fff7fa #fdecf4 #fffdfe #ffd8ea
A gender related to lovecore in a multigender way; a multigender lovecoric gender.
#b81f3e #e9358c #f749ba #f97bcd #fa8ff9 #fb7f27 #3f47cc
An in nature term where ones identity is Lovergirl in nature. This being just having a connection to the word to being a Lovergirl oneself. LgIN is similar to terms like MIN and FIN.
#87225a #9c427b #de6bac #f390d0 #fcbee7
(Femme version) A demigender where the static/partial gender(s) are any love or romance related gender. The other gender(s) can be anything.
#7f7f7f #c3c3c3 #ff1717 #ffb2ea
A gender that is both an azurgirl and intertwined with concepts of love. This can be any and all kinds of love.
#fee7ef #ff91b4 #ffdbe9 #ffd3e4 #fde1ed #ffadd1
A masculine lovegender in which love and masculinity are linked.
Some examples of what this may look like:
This can refer to love of any kind.
#e45c8c #b53043 #2a3495 #4355ff
A gender connected to being gai and a thing. A gai thinggender.
#fcc544 #ffd05c #ffdf7c #fef29c #c5e882 #a2ffaf #a3acb1 #7ecbd3 #8196ff #937ed9 #a466af | #d4b160 #dcbe78 #e2ce93 #e9e2ac #bace8f #a6e0b0 #8d9295 #7dacb2 #707ebd #7669a1 #79527f
A gender system related to fooling around, being childish, and generally just being silly! It is lighthearted and fun, and does not necessarily take itself seriously. Can be combined with other terms/words!
#dd3b53 #ffac66 #ffed87 #b6f183 #53d3b0
Genderbit / Bitgender
A gender based on the bit/commitment to the bit; a gender that may change based on whatever’s funniest.
#71c5af #f1d788 #cd95ff #ff8015 #d22270
A gender related to stars and silliness/being silly, stars decorated with silliness, being a star and silly, etc..
#ec6f9b #fff9af #b56fec #7190ed #6ed9eb #6fec88 #abeb71
A gender related to being a silly girl thing; being a silly thing that is also a girl; a girl thing related to silliness in any way; etc...
#ffa5a5 #ff70a6 #fec6a5 #ffd9c6 #a1d9b4 #6eb6fe #a284fe
A gender related to being a silly guy thing; being a silly thing that is also a guy; a guy thing related to silliness in any way; etc...
#fbfcb0 #086972 #01a9b4 #88dfd6 #a8ddd7
An emoticon gender for the little face ^^.
#e9e44a #f0ed78 #f0ed78 #f6f598 #ffffff #f4af78 #ed9b4f #e39239 #000000
A gender connected to the ^_^ and being a thing; a ^_^thing.
#78f0e7 #b0fcd5 #edfed1 #feffef #feecd4 #fffdfe
A gender related to hype for whatever reason and/or purpose, being full of energy, joy, and excitement for said reason/purpose.
#c5f1be #a2c3a4 #869d95 #515b76 #201e50
A gender related to being weird and a thing; a weirdthing.
#dc6dba #8b74cf #f1d275 #ff9968 #f46e4b #ee5454
A gender connected to being 'Weird' and a 'Girl'! This gender was made with neurodivergent individuals in mind, However it is not Neurodivergent Exclusive. This gender can be used in anyway as its definition of 'Weird' and 'Girl' Are both up to the user.
#6f2a60 #7f3b6a #804879 #8c558c #967fa9 #9e9ab3
A gender connected to or best described by the word 'eclectic'.
#453a48 #9d565a #d45896 #b3b3b5
A gender that presents itself in a Kidcore way. Can be used as a descriptor for other terms.
#3257b2 #e96161 #fbc764 #c7ffb6
A gender that presents itself in a Kidcoric way/as Kidcoric/as a Kidcoric individual. Can be used as a descriptor for other terms.
#5434bd #3a7cb9 #50d94d #ebfa63
A gender related to/represented by tangle toys. it may feel like it has the same shape as a tangle toy, that it moves in a way that feels like playing with one, or that it has the same texture as one.
This gender does not have to be a neurogender, but it can be.
#4a1891 #2e3aff #2ecf31 #fff000 #ff5c00 #f92a30
A gender related to building blocks, and how they "fit together" to create words, and/or genders. This can be related to creativity, lexic genders, cuteness and/or letters of the alphabet, but it doesn’t have to be.
#fbd4d9 #dbd2c9 #999999 #88a1a8 #546a77
For anyone who considers themselves to have a gender that is related to the sun.
#fee892 #ffa571 #ce436a #ffd2dc #ffd0ce
A gender related to sunlight and being neutral/nonbinary/etc.
#fffdcc #fef399 #f6b26b #ffffff #c4bf7d #ffe59a #fff2cd
A gender related to sunsets, the sun, and warm colors, especially goldens and oranges!
#fe5e5e #ff725e #fe895e #ffaa5a #fabf57 #ffd95e #faed6a
A gender that is/is related to the word 'sunglow'!
#c926f1 #ff95fa #fef79d #fccd41 #f48452 #dc3748
A gender that is/is related to the word 'sunsong'!
#fe9f21 #ffffff #fef79d #fccd41 #f48452 #dc3748 #fe93fd
A genderstar subterm; a gender system in which one's gender is connected to stars and suns, stars decorated with suns, being a star and a sun, etc.
#e26f2e #fffae4 #eeac4c #fddc7f #fff6c1
A gender related to the sun and fire somehow! Could be about how the sun is sometimes called a ball of fire, could be related to setting fires with sunlight, just suns and fires separately, whatever!
#d80001 #ff7a04 #ffe60d #fffbef #ffe27c #ffa26e #d85537 #810000
A gender related to sunlight and being a girl/woman.
#ebd1dc #d6a6be #8d7cc2 #ffffff #c4bf7d #ffe59a #fff2cd
A female gender that is bathed in sunlight.
#ff9a00 #ffc100 #fecd80 #fee9a6 #bd33a3
A masculine gender that is bathed in sunlight.
#ff9a00 #ffc100 #fecd80 #fee9a6 #3ab2a6
A genderstar subterm; a gender system in which one's gender is connected to stars and fire, stars decorated with fire, being a star and fire, etc.
#c84237 #fffae4 #df895a #f9cb8f #fff1cc
A gender similar to or represented by a lighter and the flicking on and off of fire.
When this gender's "fire" is flicked on, it is feminine, and when flicked off, it is neutral. the flicking can be controlled or spontaneous, and there is always the "smoke" of femininity surrounding it.
It smells and feels like fire and righteousness.
#e42c14 #e37516 #26b025 #828282 #000000
A gender under the genderstar system where one's gender is related to stars and cowboys, cowboys decorated with stars, being a star and a cowboy, etc.
#6e3428 #af644f #6f4e3b #483121 #b4845c #dcb596 #ffaa2d #ffffff
A gender connected to 2D animation as a whole.
#201154 #403db2 #c89fee #9a3b8c #54103f
Someone who feels a strong connection to cartoons and toons from, olden days to present day. This can stem from the entertainment of the antics that go on in them or just the over all feel and comfort coming from them.
#000000 #ffffff #f4c581 #ff8850 #fabff9 #fff941
A term for anyone who experiences more than one gender identity. It can be used as a gender identity in its own right, or can be an umbrella term for other identities which fit this description.
Multigender people may experience two or more gender identities at the same time, or their gender identity may change over time (genderfluid).
#3f47cc #00a3e8 #fb7f27 | #49286f #232057 #174d6f #659e51 #f3a96c #a94e4d #582045 #2a2a2a #000000 | #56268a #26226f #035b89 #6bb449 #fdae49 #c34f4f #6d1f53 #323232 | #7f7f7f #ffffff #fff48e #51b994 #be17d6 | #999999 #acf46e #fff385 #ffaa73 #df70ce #7861d5
A gender identity that falls under the nonbinary and transgender umbrellas. Polygender individuals have several gender identities. Some define polygender as anyone having more than one gender: they may have two (bigender), three (trigender), or more. Others define polygender as strictly people who have more than three genders. Polygender can mean that a person has all these genders at the same time, in a mix. Polygender can also mean that they change from one gender to the next at different times, in which case the word is used interchangeably with genderfluid.
#000000 #939393 #ed94c5 #f5ed81 #64bbe6 | #a42a3b #c63673 #87bdb0 #4d9453 #30637d | #999999 #fff385 #ffc073 #e680ff #7149e8
A gender identity for those who feel as if one or several of their gender identities holds more importance over the rest, that out of their multiple gender identities of is primary to the others or is their primary gender, this gender can be male, female, nonbinary, or even a xenogender identity.
#d1d0cb #9b9b9b #868686 #4c4c4c #b3b3b3 #d0d0d0
An umbrella term for identities that change, including fluid genders, genders that fluctuate, "spikes" in gender, and genders influenced by external sources such as mood or weather. Any gender that changes in any way can be considered variaspec.
#c1965f #ffcb51 #fff48e #ffffff #cc80d8
Fluid Gender
Similar to the concept of fluid orientation flag, this is a flag for when one's gender identity is fluid. This doesn't mean one necessarily that one identifies as genderfluid, but they can if they want to. It can be considered the auingender/autonomique version of idingender.
The word amplusian is more ample and encompasses fluid genders, but it's a label, and unlabeled people can have fluid gender experiences. Genderflux people can consider their gender experience fluid, for example, even if they have a static gender (fluxstatic/genderfumy). Transgender people can consider their "change" or transition as a fluid experience too.
#fff48e #cecece #ffffff #ad9fd0 #6e579d #000000
A gender identity which refers to a gender that varies, or changes over time.
#fe75a1 #f5f5f5 #be17d6 #2c2c2c #333ebc | #6736ab #fe38c1 #fe9ff3 #fffce9 #b9b9ff #408dff | #5a4775 #fa4d82 #f9a7cd #fdfcf7 #b2bfe2 #1797c8 | #ffffff #fbb0c5 #b54da2 #532f91 #17204b #000000 | #ffffff #f096b2 #c258b0 #6539ac #162455 #000000 | #ff5cad #ffffff #74006f #3eaac6 #ffdd95 | #ffffff #faf17a #32be1f #346e6f #000000 | #ffffff #80dcc7 #6180c0 #66346f #000000 | #ffffff #f7f376 #dfa856 #992d2d #000000 | #ffffff #80f398 #5ec9c3 #737373 #000000 | #ffffff #f3c77c #c94445 #4a4a4a #000000 | #b2ebff #4eaee1 #1e74bf #000000 | #eb856e #f1f4df #c03f65 #000000 #644169
Genderfluid Queer
#a5708a #abe1bf #d988e5 #633535 #6352a0 | #7e3a51 #b994b3 #80d0f3 #d9f28d #e19eeb #e19eeb #7d3332 #9876c2 #191f5d
A gender in which one is genderfluid and also a thing! Can also refer to individuals who are fluid between thing genders (ex. being fluid between thingcenic & boything).
#ff76a4 #fea8c5 #ffffff #e08cea #bb15d1 #5b0765 #000000 #1d2576 #2f3cbf
Demifluid Nonbinary
#7e7a19 #c2ba27 #c5c2c1 #ffabcc #fdf1a5 #a8daf5 #ffffff #9a59cf #9b3ba6 #985487 #664cc7 #75439d #222222 #161616
Kymfluid / Divifluid
A term that describes someone with multiple genders, some fluid, and some not. Mainly, it can be used for people who identify with both fluid gender labels and non-fluid gender labels separately from each other. For instance, one may be both kenofluid and proxvir, with kenofluid being a fluid gender, and proxvir being completely static.
Kymfluid comes from the terms (gender)fluid, and kymenian (a term for gender(s) that are not static. the opposite of genderfluid).
Was made with genderhoarders in mind, but it can be used by anyone!
#b3f5f4 #59bed2 #3d6fae #5b3679 #3d0c2a
Having a gender which changes in intensity. Could be considered being fluid between gendered and agender.
#f47694 #f2a2b9 #cecece #7ce0f7 #3ecdf9 #fff48d | #000000 #c3c3c3 #ffffff #fdaece #d5b8fa #99eafd #cdfe7e #ffff85 | #ffc2bf #ffffff #acb5f6 #c98ec4 #c6c6c6 | #3d3d3d #999999 #f9afcb #ede28d #b2ccf1 | #ff8484 #ff9f71 #c3c3c3 #99f7c0 #99d9ea | #e67e97 #f2c2cd #fce5a4 #b2b2b2 #c2e7f2 #62bdd9 | #ffde6a #faa040 #e65423 #000000
A single gender that is a blend of existing genders or alignments. It is often, but not always, a blend of masculine and feminine. Rather than identifying as said-genders separately, symique people see it as its own combined gender. For instance, whereas bigender people may see their gender as both blue and red, a symique person would see their gender as purple.
Since symique is its own, single gender, someone may be symique and another gender, which would then be bigender, and so on.
Coined as an alternative to androgyne.
#79272b #eabe73 #e6f1d1 #74aec6 #674290 | #000000 #78483e #cab48b #6e6e6e #6b5339 #ffffff #69384d #c68cc9 #543f78
Gender Mesh
A multigender label for those who feel their gender is a combination of 2+ genders that feel so intertwined that it's hard to tell where one begins and the others end.
#4e4e4e #6a6a6a #424242 #d2d2d2
A gender connected to being a girl and a thing; a girlthing OR any person that feels somewhat attached to femininity/being a girl but in a transgender fuck around find out way. Being a girlthing is having a fluid sense of femininity that can be affected by other identities. You don't have to identify as fem/woman-aligned, though you can be, you just need to retain fem traits and be comfortable with the label.
#6e1cd8 #ad3de1 #e365e3 #ff8bde #53029d #fff8ff #920288 #ffbd66 #ff8d73 #f853a0 #c71da4 | #6c120a #ca101e #d4196a #f13aca #f5bdec #ffffff #53174a #1a071a | #97001b #cb0f54 #f13aca #ffffff #1a071a | #836982 #83696a #ac8a89 #000000
A gender that is not derived from womanhood or femininity yet still feels female or feminine in a unique way.
It is similar to juxera, the main difference being that it is not derived from womanhood or femininity in any way.
#feda00 #fee54b #ffee8c #fff6bf #ffffff #ffd8ea #ffa5cb #fe77b2 #ff4f9a
A term referring to someone who only partially identifies as contrafe.
#585858 #a4a2a3 #ffdb00 #fee54a #feee8c #fff5c0 #ffffff #ffd8ea #fea6cc #ff77b5 #ff4e9c
A gender closely resembling femininity and girl/womanhood but not being a girl/woman.
#fd8dbf #ffb5d8 #904cdf #74dfff
Girlact / Femact
A gender that acts like a girl, or acts feminine, but in reality is not a girl or feminine in any way.
#92389c #d16ebe #c0efff #a789fb #a251ec #7d1eb8
A term for when your gender fools others into thinking it's a girl when in reality, it's something different. Does not always have to be connected to womanhood or femininity.
#b0006c #e70142 #ec5f1a #ebcc00
The unifying combination of FIN/FOIN/FIIN (feminine in nature) and FEIN (female in nature). E.g. femera.
#f9e4a5 #f29dbc #ae83df #a70c34 #d44698 #d07ee2 #8485df
A trans person who has a feminine or woman related identity, is transitioning towards femininity or womanhood, etc., regardless of anything else about their identity.
Someone who might want to use this label includes...
#7359a3 #c481de #f3eec6 #dfc797 #4a777a #6bbfc1
A gender relative to female, but is something separate and entirely on its own. It is not outside the gender spectrum.
#cc0660 #ef033f #f54438 #f9876a | #e0b8ed #9a7fc2 #432d3a #c4807f #eeb8b8 | #db7b6b #ec9b9a #98bdd7 #e6e4d7
Being a girl in the fun way, but not in the (normal) gender way.
Someone who is an ersgirl is not a binary/cis/conforming girl but rather a girl in a more casual, fun way. An ersgirl may refer to themself as a girl in jokes or when with friends but not in more serious discussions of gender.
This gender may or may not be related to femininity or womanhood. It is related to girlexic.
#e5a5fc #c84cfc #af16fd #25002c #7716fc #964bfd #bea8fd #f99efe
Identfiying as a girl, but also not identifying as a girl.
#7f7f7f #c3c3c3 #ffffff #feaec9 #aefee3
A gender in which one feels connected with the girl/gal/woman/female label, but does not identify as one.
#84a2f8 #d16c98 #e4b0c7 #f9e2ec
An umbrella term for genders that are FEIN (female in nature) or a gender where femaleness/FEIN-ness is a defining/primary feature/identifier.
#000000 #600a09 #a70c34 #ce2358 #d44698
Aniso (unequal/uneven) + girl. A term for one who's identity as a girl feels out of balance with another part of one's identity somehow.
#e5608b #edacc2 #f7f7f7
Polygender + Fingender
#f8e4a7 #f9baa8 #ffa5c1 #dba4ff #f051ad #dbdbdb #c17fe1 #95a5f2 #aaffac #fffba4
A gender connection to femininity that has no connection to being a binary woman, a non-connection to being a binary woman, or a connection to not being a binary woman.
#4e226d #82267b #d9346e #fee485 #ffa858 #f96a24 #be2632
A gender where you still have a connection to femininity (its kinda feminine aligned more than female aligned), but it feels thin and light, because of how blurry that connection is.
#f26af2 #f36ad4 #f46a9e #f46a79 #f37b6a #f1a76a #f1cb6a | #fd9bfe #f26bd4 #e35086 #f36978 #f7886c #ffb76f #ffe17f
A label for when one's gender is connected/related to femininity, but feels blurry and is a little bit off from what is considered a traditional feminine gender.
#963796 #af4cab #90488e #bf6ebe #963796
AFAB Neufem
AFAB/DFAB: assigned/designated female at birth.
Neufem: gender neutral and feminine.
#f5a8b8 #c65690 #e0a793 #fef995
A gender that is feminine-in-nature, neutral-in-nature, and female; being a feminine-in-nature gender, a neutral-in-nature gender, and a female gender.
#f9e4a5 #f56bb9 #80fcb4 #fe7eb7 #feade7
A gender and/or presentation quality that can be best described as a combination of feminine and neutral, but is still its own thing, similar to how androgyny can be considered a mix of masculine and feminine, but is still a separate quality.
#ffb4f9 #eb84b9 #e57023 #eda63c #e9e76e
An umbrella term for all genders that are TROIN. Can also be used to refer to either a gender that is not fully defined, but is definitely troinine, or a gender in which troininity is its defining feature.
#ff6cba #ff8383 #fe9b58 #fead51 #ffd044 #fdff56 #cbff45 #b6fe3b #9bf74e #72ff58 #4fff5c
A gender that is feminine-in-nature, masculine-in-nature, and female; being a feminine-in-nature gender, a masculine-in-nature gender, and a female gender.
#ffa6f0 #7da6ff #9c51d0 #fe7eb7 #feade7
A term for when one's gender is feminine-aligned, feminine (fingender), a woman, or woman-aligned (fiaspec). One also uses masc terms to the point where they feel like part of one's gender.
#ff6a80 #a75b9b #7b54a7 #4f4cb3 #7a719c #ceb386 #fae058
A gender related to being an azurgirl and a thing, or an 'azurgirlthing'.
#7b34f4 #6190f8 #90aef4 #9fdeed #53dfba #ffffff #c0dad1 #ffdbe9 #ffafd4 #fe7eb7
A xenic alignment to Azurgirl-ness; being an Azurgirl and xenic.
#7b34f4 #6190f8 #ecc4ff #fe8cbf #f56ba7
A gender that is masculine-in-nature, neutral-in-nature, and female; being a masculine-in-nature gender, a neutral-in-nature gender, and a female gender.
#fffa9f #50e1ad #7993ff #fe7eb7 #feade7
An identity in which someone may feel like a boyish girl & a thing!
#d5008e #ef49b7 #ba3fef #7d28db #4928db #2542b7 #084361
Girlguy / Guygirl
#2c116e #621e99 #db5592 #fedea3 #e19e58 #098678 | #220764 #571792 #ce4885 #ffd3a2 #33b974 | #682944 #a24a58 #e19476 #efaae0 #a14a8f #512967
Femmasc / Mascfem
A gender identity based on both masculinity and femininity. It is not necessarily feminine or masculine in nature, just connected to both in some way. the specific definition mainly depends on the user.
#fc82bd #fbafd5 #fccfe4 #fcfcfc #dceefc #abd9fb #abbffc
Androgyny is the possession of both masculine and feminine characteristics. Androgyny may be expressed with regard to biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression.
#571c78 #7d75fe #f7bbee #ba4387 #3d1877 | #ff4465 #f169ab #ebbcff #8f6ddd #524bbf
Describes someone who is mascfem-aligned [simultaneously masc(uline)-aligned and fem(inine)-aligned]. This includes partially lingendered folks, those who are connected to androgyny (with or without actually being lingender), someone whose gender experiences are similar to lingendered people, etc. A subset of sollunarian.
#f2d8cb #daac9f #fff7b8 #000000 #b5b5b5
Someone who is transmifitral/transminfinneutral/transmifineu, is someone who identify as transneutral, feminity and masculinity. This can be an umbrella term for all transneu who are:
#74dfff #2ebde9 #a4ff74 #fef200 #ff8a64 #e9599e #fe8cbf
4weirdgender / 4weird
A gender identity in which someone's gender consists of feminine genders, masculine genders, neutral genders, and 'none of the above' genders...not necessarily simultaneously, not necessarily separately...not necessarily fluid, not necessarily static.
#b594cd #c7acd5 #92a3f5 #cac0ff #ede3b0 #d0b6a9 #c696e2 #faa0c4 #f888b8
Nonpuer / Nonvir
Someone who is not male at all in any way, shape, or form, but feels a strong connection to masculinity within their gender.
#c8bfe7 #ffffff #99d9ea #373737 | #598fc8 #b3e2c5 #001781
A gender connection to masculinity that has no connection to being a binary man, a non-connection to being a binary man, or a connection to not being a binary man.
#4e226d #493faf #6281d4 #fee485 #bcd605 #68b710 #1e920d
Contramas is a gender that is not derived from maleness or masculinity yet still feels male or masculine in a unique way.
It is similar to proxvir, the main difference being that it is not derived from maleness or masculinity in any way.
#feda00 #fee54b #ffee8a #fff5bd #ffffff #859ffe #6082fe #335efa #0136fe
A term referring to someone who only partially identifies as contramas.
#585858 #a4a2a3 #ffdb00 #ffe64b #feef8a #fff6bf #ffffff #86a0ff #6084ff #315ef9 #0033ff
A gender connected to being masc / masculine and a thing; a mascthing.
#602275 #4c3c9f #5ba7c1 #84dcb6 #cff6ca #f1f8e8
A trans person who has a masculine or man related identity, is transitioning towards masculinity or manhood, etc., regardless of anything else about their identity.
Someone who might want to use this label includes...
#5866a3 #72afce #f9ebce #e2c599 #4b7c5e #6fc693
Mintrans / Masctrans
A trans person whose gender quality is masculine in nature (MIN); a trans* individual with a masculine gender expression (masc-presenting); masculine transness/transgenderness; or simply a masculine trans folk.
#00a3e8 #ffb5ce #ffffff #d2f2c1 #9ae6b5 #70cfd5 #31a7ed
A gender in which one feels connected with the boy/guy/man/male label, but does not identify as one.
#84a2f8 #4ca2bd #9fc9d5 #deeff6
A non-binary gender identity which is considered to be a neutral or null gender. It may also be used to mean genderless, and has considerable overlap with agender -- some people who consider themselves neutrally gendered or genderless may identify as both, while others prefer one term or the other.
There is no one definition of Neutrois, since each person that self-identifies as such experiences their gender differently. The most common ones are:
#ffffff #2f9c1d #000000 | #929292 #ffffff #fff7a6 #8bffac #23b14d #000000
Genderfluid Maverique Neutrois
A flag for those who are fluid between maverique and neutrois genders (plus neumaverique/neutromaverique and/or maverineutrois/maverineutral).
#f49622 #ffffff #23b14d #000000 #fef433
Neutragender / Neutrois-x
A gender that is both neutrois and agender/no gender. You can be a neutrois and agender/no gender at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling neutral-gender and not feeling gender.
#010204 #bcc4c6 #bff68e #23b14d | #010204 #20b14c #ffffff #b6f583
A term for gender qualities and presentations that are not fully either masculine or feminine. Examples include: androgyny, outherinity, xeninity, agenrinity, aporinity and many more.
#b4ef81 #fff27f #f7a76a #e0556c #814c9e
The extrine equivalent to transmasculine and transfeminine; a trans person who is transitioning/moving towards extrinity.
#ffffff #b1f560 #5bb846 #2d2c2a | #86bf00 #4e7000 #a5e11d | #74dfff #bff346 #a9dd32 #86ba0d #fe8cbf
Anyone whose gender is completely unrelated to the gender binary (such as agender, quoigender, maverique or most xenogenders).
#fedf0b #fdf9a0 #ffffff | #3d2c1c #5f5033 #88693b #d5c76f #a7886c | #723534 #c88d6f #fef8f8 #c3c0c7 #392f48 | #7b54a3 #55a358 #ffba24 #fff15c
Abinarine / Abinine / Abinarish
Relating to qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of abinaryness/being abinary. Interchangeable with Abinarinity, Abininity and Abinarity.
#eca316 #fff033 #ffffff #707070 #000000
A binary aphorian, a person who identifies as a binary in a way removed entirely from the gender binary system. It is a type of binariness that is abinary in nature (ABIN), and therefore lacks ties to the gender-binary, including a relationship to aptobinary genderedness (aptobinariness/aptobinaryness) or ambinariness/ambinaryness, (fe)maleness, (wo)manhood, boyhood/girlhood/birlhood, (fe)male-alignment, binary masculinity/femininity, and most other widespread connotations of binary-ness. Nymbinaries (nymbies) may even see their binaryhood as anonbinary or something else entirely.
Could be an umbrella for nymboy and nymgirl.
#6075b6 #7e92d1 #95d5ee #b8e5e2 #faeaaf #aad296 #ffd8d9 #d8b0f7 #ff8db1 #ffc476
An umbrella label for being both abinary and female. Can be due to being a neogirl, juxera, etc, or due to being multigender.
#3e0450 #af2d59 #dd6161
An abinary girl, or a girl who defines their girlhood in a way distinct from the gender "girl" as it exists in the gender binary.
#ff8db1 #ffd8d9 #d8b0f7 #ffc476 #7e92d1
A gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender.
#fff344 #ffffff #f49622 | #ffffff #fef433 #f49622 #ed5913
#f4851a #280d06 #ff5700
A gender quality relating to Maverinity, similar to Masculine and Feminine. Related to Maverique. Maverine can be used to describe one's gender, one's gender presentation, or both.
#ffff3d #ffc801 #ebe091 #f36f00 #e54f10 #ec8e1a
Trans people who are moving towards maverinity, the maverine equivalent to terms like transmasculine, transfeminine, etc. May be called transmav for short.
#ffffff #fef433 #f59622 #2b2d2c | #ffd133 #f49622 #fef433
A Sensgender in which one relates to the Transmaverine/Transmav/Maverique experience, but only sometimes, temporarily, or not completely.
#f04300 #efb700 #edd500 #ebe091
Exomaverique and/or exomaverine; exobinary maverique identity; abinary-spectral maveriquity/maveriqueness; exospec maverinity/abiaspec maveriquinity; maverine exobinarity and/or maverique exobinariness.
#fef433 #ffffff #f49622 #ffa83f #fff025 #55ca61
A multigender term for when one’s gender consists of two (or more) parts, this case being Maverique and Ningender. This includes multigender individuals who are Maverique, and are also one or more Ningenders.
#fef430 #97f19a #d4faa7 #ffffff #ffdf9c #ffc595 #f5971d
Being xenogender and maverique; xiaspec/xenoic maveriques.
#ff6692 #feb781 #ffffff #fef433 #f49622 | #ff6766 #ff8c67 #ffe57c #85a9ff #a484ff #b917ff #ffffff
Someone who is both maverique and genderfluid; or someone who is fluid between maverine genders.
#f49622 #ffffff #be17d6 #2c2c2c #fef433
A gender that is female but in an entirely maverique way.
#ef8144 #fee567 #fffde8 #ffc6bf #f18489
A term referring to someone who only partially identifies as menaverique.
#585858 #a4a2a3 #ef8144 #fee567 #fffde8 #ffc6bf #f18489
A gender related to being a menaverique and a thing; a menaveriquething.
#e7783a #ee9c4e #f6c35c #fde566 #8d3122 #fffef7 #691a39 #ffcdc0 #fcb7b0 #f49395 #e67587
A gender which is best defined as being a creature and a menaverique, or being a menaverique in a creature way.
#edc96b #c98554 #f4efd9 #914d4c #b1786d
A gender that's the combination of faesari and faeverique. A gender that shares some characteristics with feminine genders, but thrives in a combination of neutral/neutrine and maverine qualities. A feminine aligned mavrois.
#4d083e #ff0a8b #f47878 #ff5702 #e28758 #1a0315
A multigender term for when one’s gender consists of two (or more) parts, this case being Maverique and Lingender. This includes multigender individuals who are Maverique, and are also one or more Lingenders.
#fef430 #f759f6 #d33df7 #ffffff #783ded #5a74eb #f5971d
Neumaverique / Neutromaverique
A neutrois maverique folk; a maverine identity that is neutrally gendered.
#fef433 #f49622 #ffffff #23b14d #000000 | #fff971 #68b122 #c36d00 | #23b14d #a7eb88 #ffffff #fef433 #ffb03a
A gender that's in between/a combination of maverique (or other verine gender, like proxveri or maveresque) and neutrois or a similar gender.
A Mavrois can have any gender presentation or alignment.
#1e3620 #b8d4a3 #208543 #342019 #e1713f
Describes someone who is agender and maverique.
#000000 #fff57c #ffffff #b6f583 #efae6a | #000000 #c6b196 #fffcc9 #e8ff33
Umbrella term for all genders aporine in nature. May simply be used as "ain", ie. "my gender is ain".
#ec8080 #fcab73 #fdc57a #f5da89 #eff577 #c1ec80 #87dba0
A term used to describe trans* people identifying with aporine gendered feelings to a greater extent than with femininity or masculinity.
#ffb381 #cb6500 #fee3c6 | #0b0b2b #245273 #319f96 #7ecd9f #ffffff #89d5c0 #7dab34 #6e4023 | #ffffff #ffa130 #b44e0c #2b2d2c
An umbrella term for all genders which are Outherine in nature (OUIN). It can be used as an umbrella term for any genders that are primarily related to outherinity. A gender nature/gingender/gender in nature.
#6d6c7e #489782 #b5d862 #f8fb86 #f6a262 #8b3131 #582e22
A term used to describe trans* people identifying with outherine/otherly gendered feelings to a greater extent than with femininity or masculinity.
#d2afab #835347 #f0d8d6 | #0a0a2a #247347 #3eb837 #accf82 #ffffff #cfc87f #b84237 #712357 | #ffffff #fadb71 #6ca777 #2b2d2c
An outherine gender in which one feels masculine in a distinctly abinary way.
#5f4d8b #7361ab #d1b7aa #ffffff #000000
An umbrella term for genders that could be considered "between" Outherine/Aporine and Xenine. This can include any gender that shares qualities of both abinary/atrinary genders and xenogenders, without explicitly being either.
Diastine can include genders that:
The examples above aren’t all what the Diastine label can cover, however they exist to give you an idea of what could be includes under this label.
#6e4997 #cb6684 #d59d86 #d5c786 #91be61 #4e84c2 | #7121cd #ff4980 #ff9d76 #fee87f #9bef40 #4a9cfc
Transdiastous / Transdiastine
An umbrella term for those whose identity is partially or fully Diastine. It can also be considered an umbrella term for those who transition towards diastinity, or a diastous/diaine/distine identity. It may refer to someone's gender, presentation, or both.
A Diastine equivalent to terms like transmasculine, transfeminine, and transneutral. Can be shortened to Transdia. Can also be called Transdiaine or Transdistine.
#fef2b8 #e1a97b #c8558b #6b31ae #5477c9 #7de17b | #ffffff #d2ba4b #007459 #100121 | #0b1128 #272371 #7e37b8 #cd7fc9 #ffffff #8bcf7f #34ad86 #234971
Identifying as genderless, but also not identifying as genderless.
#7f7f7f #c3c3c3 #fefefe #b4f482 #c282f4
Describes a person who is ambivalent about their gender identity/expression, but who identifies at least partially with a gender (defined or not) outside of the binary. They may experience a weak sense of gender, or have difficulty defining their gender, or just not be overly involved in gender as a concept.
#bebebe #ffffff #092384 #515151 | #2d2d2d #696969 #b4b4b4 #ffffff #6d5899
A gender and gender system tied to your gender being cloudy + something else (if desired).
#181f35 #102843 #0e4a67 #2c8a91 #62bcac #9eecd3
A xenogender that feels like it has a soft or gentle sense of gender; it can also be that the user feels gently like a certain gender: ex, feeling only gently or slightly male.
#a8d9ea #bfe9f9 #c4ecad #ebf4bb #ffdca8 #fffcd9
Identifying as a gender, but also not identifying as a gender.
#7f7f7f #c3c3c3 #fefefe #fbff74 #7874ff
Someone who is wlw, wlnb, nblw, nblnb, xelw, and xelnb.
#d5a982 #ffe5ce #c8a2c9 #b876c0 #9b26b5
An umbrella term for anyone who's NBLW and/or WLNB.
#b259d9 #be84bf #f1bbc9 #f18da7 #f2dcb3 #51156b
Someone who is wlw, wlnb, nblnb, and nblw. Basically someone with multiple genders (female and nonbinary) who is attracted to women and nonbinary people.
#a40061 #e4accf #ffffff #e4ac01 #cc63fe | #cd6b6a #f7b793 #faffd4 #aebf88 #7e936a #cc7675
Someone who is Enbian and Sapphic at the same time.
#1e011f #3e003f #8b3769 #c55ba3 #da83b6 #feff7d #ffffff #b057d7 #fff71d #ff8ad3
Someone who is Enbian, Sapphic, and Diamoric.
Could also be used by someone who is Enbian and Diasapph / Sapphamoric, or Enbisapph and Enbiamoric. Any combo is fine!
#1f001f #3e003f #9f809f #a7b8a6 #66a55e #8b3769 #c55ba3 #ffff7d #ffffff #66033c #fffe00 #fb8fd6
A nonbinary woman attracted to women (nblw/wlw).
#a25d33 #c1835e #d897ab #a24699 #5d0053 | #b43da5 #ee80bd #eaedd2 #b8e296 #88b66d #b22c85
Sapphamoric / Diasapph
Someone who is both Sapphic and Diamoric.
#91f291 #f1e8ed #fe8ba8 #66033c #ffff00 #fe8fd4
#b0dbec #cae1e9 #e6e6e6 #ffffff #b9bfcb #98a3bf #7687b2 | #cd6a87 #ffda96 #fcf4c3 #a6c575 #90a852
Trixic / Orbisian
A juvelic orientation that refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to women. This attraction can be an exclusive attraction or not.
#b452cd #eeaeee #ffc0cb #ffe7ba #ffb90f | #ffc78e #fb9589 #c85e9c #7f43a5 #462075
Trixic Demigirl
#b253cb #ecaeed #feaec9 #ffffff | #7f7f7f #c3c3c3 #b253cb #ecaeed | #ffbb10 #fee8b9 #feaec9 #ffffff
1) Describes a nonbinary person attracted to (primarily, exclusively, or not) to other nonbinary people; A NBLNB person.
2) A nonbinary person who is in or desires a relationship with other nonbinary people. (A relationship that contains no binary persons)
#220b28 #440055 #aa00d3 #dd55ff #eeaaff #ffff7d #ffffff | #0d0014 #3a003a #6d013f #cf5e4e #ffbf91 #ffebac #ffd694
Enbian Lesbian
A lesbian who is also enbian (nln).
#2a2649 #8066cb #d8b9ff #fdfaeb #697cd8 #ffefa1 #ffffff
Someone who is both Enbian and Diamoric.
#1f001f #3e003f #9f809f #a7b8a6 #66a55e #ffff7d #ffffff #66033c #fffe00
A juvelic/GLG term for when is xenogender and is attracted to others who are women, nonbinary, or xenogender, exclusively or not; being xlw, xlnb, and xlx.
#3d3327 #5c6d5d #e0656a
Being sapphic platonically and/or queerplatonically/quasiplatonically (sapphoqueerplatonic, sapphoquasiplatonic/sapphiqueerplatonic/sapphiquasiplatonic, sapphasiplatonic, or quasisapphic); identifying as a wlw/qlw/wlq in a platonic way; experiencing platonic attraction to women as a woman and/or queer folk.
#b863b6 #fd8aa7 #ffffff #fff97d #ffaede
A term for women/partial women who are attracted to non binary people.
#b452cd #eeaded #ffe7b9 #ffc0cb #fe91a4 #000000
Juxera orientation towards women.
#cc0560 #f54538 #fee483 #ef66fa #942ce3 #f5905c #e37748 #bf5336 #84c04f #75a843
Juxera orientation towards any or all genderqueer/nonbinary/elsegender/not binary people.
#cc0560 #f54538 #fee483 #99bd63 #9d59d2 #f5905c #e37748 #bf5336 #84c04f #75a843
Juxera orientation towards xenogender people.
#cc0560 #f54538 #fee483 #feb781 #ff6692 #f5905c #e37748 #bf5336 #84c04f #75a843
Juxera orientation towards other Juxera individuals.
#cc0560 #f54538 #fee483 #f5905c #e37748 #bf5336 #84c04f #75a843
A juvelic term for maveriques who are attracted to xenogender people.
#fff444 #b0f67a #60fab2 #ffffff
A gender related to the pronouns; "she/her." It may relate to euphoria when being called such pronouns, one's gender being those certain pronouns, and/or the pronouns as a whole feeling/sounding like one's gender.
#dcd2f4 #e2b4e3 #fbe7f3 #d9e9f6 #acd4ee #c9bde3
She/Her Sapphic / Shepphic
Any sapphic (wlw/qlw/wlq) who uses she/her/her/hers/herself pronoun set.
#56110c #5d298d #fa75c8 #ffffff #ff758f #f6365b
Aro-Lesbian Lovecore She/Her
A flag for using she/her pronouns but only in a lovecore context through an aromantic and lesbian lense.
#430c1f #81334b #c77d96
Pronoun Non-conforming
A form of gender non-conformity in which one uses pronouns in a non-standard way.
#50234c #97447c #71ae9f #ffe7f7 | #50284d #96467b #71ae9f #fee6f6
Any individual whose identity, selfhood, gender performance, and/or neurocognitive style have in some way been shaped by their engagement in practices of neuroqueering, regardless of what gender, sexual orientation, or style of neurocognitive functioning they may have been born with.
I originally conceived of neuroqueer as a verb: neuroqueering as the practice of queering (subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from) neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.
#9ad8ed #02a4ec #b7e520 #ffffff #ffc80b #fc6665 #feb0ca | #d4f2fc #8cdafe #d7f186 #ffffff #ffe996 #febabb #ffd9e6 | #9bd4e7 #61a2dc #b8d55e #ffffff #e6ca5f #e47d7e #efabd2
Neurogender Genderqueer Neuroqueer
#cd90d6 #c87db6 #e5d9af #c89ca9 #77a13b #ffffff #538e6e #6aa271 #f03f5b #a3be3b #8acbb7 #ad46b1
An umbrella term and/or gender for anyone with ADHD who feels like their gender is affected by it in some way.
#642321 #ac5d3f #f4bb74 #73577d #411137
A gender related to the song "Bright Blue Sky" by TWRP.
#799dcf #2d5793 #dbdbdb #366cb4
A gender connected to the song Superlove by The Derevolutions.
#363161 #4e9b2a #ffd647 #cdba79 #a19962 #d64f3c
A gender that is/is related to the word "superlove".
#363161 #9f8f6f #d8bd7b #ffd957 #d84f4b #475732 #d64f3c
A gender that is/is related to the words 'audio', 'disco', and 'video'!
#b00051 #7e7a77 #b7ac7f #dbdb81 #ffffff #ff8500 #dbdb21 #bc5a01 #840200 #002f01
Dapunkian / Dapunic / Daftpunkgender
A gender related to Daft Punk. this may be related to the aesthetics of Daft Punk, such as neon lights, sci-fi, disco/funk music, robots, or anything else.
#ad792e #c49954 #dbc186 #ccd6df #919ea7 #485359 #2552e3 #193596 #2c1c48 #000000
A musicagender related to Daft Punk. It may be related to any album or song from Daft Punk's discography, including cameos or remixes.
#e69829 #e5ad58 #151716 #aaaeaf #474948 #373938
A gender connected to and/or influenced by the lyric "sing while you hear it and don’t deny it" from the song "&" by Tally Hall.
#801c9a #a43792 #bf4d8b #e36884 #fe7c7c #000000 #ffffff
A gender connected to, related to, or that can only be described by music by the band 'Caravan Palace'; a 'Caravan Palace' musicagender!
#89c1dc #030301 #ef587b #5a4154 #a392bc
A term for someone who does not experience tertiary attraction. This person would also be nonamical, asocial, amental, axenial, adomestic, and a[any other type of tertiary attraction].
#fddf31 #f4a24c #f822a4 #0361ab #000000
Ate-spec / Ater-spec
A broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/aego-/lith-/cupio-/etc) tertiary attraction. The ater-spec can also include people who experience some, but not all, types of tertiary attraction.
#6b55c2 #3f84c5 #b4bdb8 #e8a935 #a46b02